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As soon as we came home after the get together at the barbecue restaurant, Taehyung headed straight to his room without saying anything to us. The other boys exchanged strange looks with one another and I tried to play along. I bet they've noticed changes about him but they just couldn't explain it. But I'm glad I knew.

"Jimin-ie, did Taehyung and his cousin fight or something?" Hoseok asked me when Taehyung shut his bedroom door.

"No, I just met them outside when I went to the toilet." I shrugged my shoulders but I could tell the boys knew something was off.

I wish I could tell them but I had restrictions to follow and that night I already broke the number one rule. And that is to hide my true identity as a guardian angel from the one I should protect. At that moment, I had to tell her because I wasn't sure how things were going to go with Death, and maybe that was the last time I could talk to her. Most people can't cheat death but if they do, there is something they must sacrifice.

"I'll go ahead and shower." I told the others who nodded their heads and were also going into their bedrooms to get rested for tomorrow.

What am I going to do if Death can't convince the Court of Immortal Souls?

How can I save Nari?

I probably just stood still in the shower and stared ahead into the empty air thinking about everything that was happening. I knew what I could do but was it going to work?

I quickly finished up my shower and decided to grab a drink in the kitchen when I realised the clock was already three in the dawn. Time flew by so quickly that I hesitated whether or not I stayed in the shower for more than two hours.

When I opened the fridge I automatically reached out for the beer but stopped myself when I remembered we would have a concert the next day. These last couple of years it felt like concert days weren't that much different like the days when we wouldn't have concerts. It still felt hectic and we always had something to prepare.

Looking out through our glass walls ahead, the stars couldn't be seen and that was because Seoul was the city that never sleeps. I remembered the time I spent in Busan, how peaceful it was and how I could protect Nari directly from any harm. She may have thought that I stopped protecting her after 9th grade but I continued until high school.

I often stopped by outside her middle school and made sure the kids didn't bully her again. Whenever I'd see them entering the school gates I always reminded them that they wouldn't get away if they teased her even once. When things were under control for her that's when I moved to Seoul. Our paths were going to cross once again but I didn't except it to be that soon.

Suddenly, a creaking sound came from one of the bedrooms in our apartment and surprisingly, Taehyung appeared out in the dark and slowly approached me.

"How did it go? What did the Court say?" I asked him while he rubbed his eyes.

"What did you say?" His eyes widened and when I looked into his face full of color, I realised I was talking to the real Taehyung without Death in control.

"Taehyung?" I put my hands on his shoulders and he was back to normal body temperature. He was really back, but how?

"I just had a weird dream, so stop acting like I've come back from the dead." He uttered and proceeded to grab a glass and filled it with water.

The Touch of Death | Kim TaehyungWhere stories live. Discover now