Chapter 1: The Beginning

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My name is Violet King. All my life everyone has known me for being the good girl that never does anything wrong... but I have a dark side. I've been taking self defense classes, lately, and that's how I met my best friend, Bailey. She was the first person to not expect me to follow the rules... But, then, I met her two brothers, Jake and Alec. Jake and I had a interesting relationship, by interesting I mean: he wanted to torture me; any chance he got. Then, there was Alec. He was the oldest, he wasn't around much and when he was it was almost like he was a shadow. Bailey, always, told me to leave him alone and that I didn't want to know what he was doing; but for some reason, that just drew me to him more. Something about the mystery surrounding him made me want to dig further.

I was walking home, one day, when I saw him in an alley, near my house. I don't know if it was my curiosity or my need to avoid getting home, for as long as possible, but I went to investigate. I got as close as I could; trying to stay out of sight. I, automatically, could tell something was wrong just based on how quiet it was. I went to see what happened when all of a sudden: Alec placed his hands on either side of my head and pushed me against the wall. 

"What are you doing here?" Alec said, in a deep voice, after telling who he was with to leave. I stood my ground, not wanting to show any fear, so I resorted to my natural defense mechanism... sarcasm. "Um... well, I was walking home when you pushed me to the wall. But, I could ask you the same question?" He sighs, but doesn't move from his position "A girl like you shouldn't mess around with this kinda stuff," he retorts.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I say, starting to get pissed. "You're the girl that thinks she is ready for trouble; even though, she has never broken a rule." Great... He's like everyone else that thinks they know exactly who I am. "If you know me so well why even bother?" With that, I knee him in the stomach and walk away, while I can. What I don't know is as I'm walking away; Alec is staring right at me...

I, finally, got home to find my dad drinking, in the kitchen. I sigh, trying to sneak quietly into my room. I don't really feel like dealing with my dad right now, but of course, my clumsy self trips on the carpet and fell, catching my dad's attention. "So you're finally home..." he walks over to me, obviously drunk. I guess, before I tell the rest I should probably explain something:

When I was born, my mom and dad were happy... for about five seconds. Then, as my dad constantly likes reminding me: I killed her... To bring me into this world, my mom had to die and my dad never forgave me. He became an alcoholic and every time he drinks: he gets mad and then... you'll see. I scramble to get up and run for my room as fast as I can, but he catches me. He starts yelling, most of it I can't understand, but I catch bits and pieces, saying: How it's my fault she's dead. As he drags me by my hair, then throws me to the ground, and kicking me in the stomach. Even after all the self defense classes I took to try and defend myself, I always feel helpless against him. By the time he's done, I can't move. I just lay there, waiting for the pain to subside. The second it does: I run to my room and pack a bag.

I throw on my backpack and run out of the house, not even caring that it's raining. I jump on my bike and start riding to Bailey's, ignoring the pain in my sides and stomach. I was just trying to get somewhere safe for the night. When I get there, I knock on the door and am surprised when Alec opens the door, looking at me, weirdly. I'm guessing it has something to do with the fact that I've been crying and just rode my bike here through the rain. "Bailey's not home." I barely registered what he said as the pain in my sides and stomach increased 10 fold from the lack of adrenaline. I fell, expecting to hit the ground, instead someone caught me. 


A/N: Well, there's the first chapter. I promise the next ones will be longer, just wanted to get out the background. Also, when I got to this part it just seemed like a good ending point. Anyways, I hope you liked the story. Let me know what you think. 


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