Chapter One: All Four, The Six, Three.

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A truck was coming,


You jumped out of the way just in the nick of time, but unfortunately a bowl of fruit from a stand was knocked over. It rolled where you couldn't see as the truck went by.

"Where did it go?" You looked left and right, up and down the farmers market.

It was gone. All the fruit was gone. That huge bowl of fruit was simply gone.

"Weird stuff." 

Eventually you forgot, and went home.


In an unknown place:

Fruit tumbles onto the ground, as it rolls it starts to glow. The first to glow is a green pear.

It's starts to grow, morphing into a full grown man. A large chin, a tiny forehead, a bumpy greenish skin tone takes over the man as he stands up and grabs at a tree truck to steady himself.

"I'm.... Alive. I'm Alive! Hahaha! Finally! My time has come!"

He glances at the other fruit, something going on in his mind, "This land... I can't let my brothers and sisters stop me! I must have this land for my own!"

He kicks the plums and peaches away, he stomps the pineapple into the ground, he throws the rest into the nearby river. Finally, when he is done, he cackles like a madman. He grabs the bowl they all arrived in, 
"This artifact, no one can have it.... It has the power to transcend worlds! I'll unlock it's powers and take over this land! Hahaha!"

He glances at a single yellow apple that was left behind, "And you.... I know just what to do with you, hahaha!"


You step into your living room and sit on the couch. Just as your about to sit, the power goes out. All noise stops and your entire family starts to moan loudly with complaints. Soon enough your father has started handing out candles, and your mother sits in the living room with you and your brother. The four of you sit in silence surrounded by weak candle flame. Your brother, William, speaks first;

"We should do something, like play a game?"

"We could roll cars?" Your mother had a few to drink earlier, so she's out of her mind a bit. It's only because it's her day off, she's rather normal for a mother. Rolling cars was a game you used to play as kids, it's as it's called; you roll cars across the floor to see who can hit the target.

"Yeah, roll cars! heh!" Your father laughs, "You're too old for that now."

William says, "Well, uh, ...I don't know."

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