I forgot (to care for) myself

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A solo song
TW/ depression

It's just the beginning
Bringing me to life
Watch me fall
And stand tall
Just to brake
I'm emotionally fake
Tell me your hate
I'll drown in a lake
A lake of tears
A lake of fears
Rusted gears
I don't work properly
Gotta get away
Can't make my own way
When your calling
You'll be wailing
I'll be falling
You'll be watching
Watching me brake
Tell me to hit the brake
I'll hit bottom
They'll call me rotten
I'll be forgotten
It's been a long way
I've ran away
From people who care
Care for the mess
The mess that I made
They don't care if I fade
Now I sway
Stay on sore feet
Then we meet
I think you neat
I hope you'll get the beet
Now I stand tall
Not because I am happy
No not now
Today I'll fall
So when you call
Call my name
I'll know it's a shame
Never should've met
They called it a game
You called them a sweat
All will flash
All will clash
It's a smash
Smash of color
The reason I'm so tall
The reason I'm about to fall
Is because your gone
Gone to bone
They where there
They where here
We where kids then
Now we're men
But your gone
I love you so
I won't let go
I'll let you know
This is where you last where
Up here
Now your free
You took that jump
You told me to never take
That's what we would live by
So I'll say goodbye
To the world
Remember when I said goodbye
You where there to call me down
But now I just frown
I'm such a clown
I've grown
To take that jump...

AN so basically they were a gay couple who where both depressed and they meet at a roof when they were going to jump.  They where both bullied and then they made a promise to never kill themselves, but one of them jumped and killed themselves while the other lived to the point where they did the same.

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