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Ring ring.....

Ring ring......

Danny weakly lifted his head off of the bloodied table and stared at the wall phone blankly. A horrible, gross feeling filled his stomach as he noticed the cans littering the table.

He was alone

Usually that would be a good thing, because that meant the torture was over, but now he was really alone...his friends were dead, and he was next....

Ring ring....

Ring ring....

Once again he stared at the wall phone. Maybe, whoever was on the other side of the phone would be able to help him escape this hell hole...or maybe the person on the other side of the phone would hurt him...just like what had happened with Robin...

Ignoring his racing thoughts, Danny got down from his chair, walked up to the wall phone and picked it up.

Well, it's now or never... 


"Robin, listen to me, you and Danny are in danger, you two need to....wait-- Danny?! Where's..."

Danny couldn't believe what he was hearing,

It couldn't be...surely it wasn't...

After a moment of listening to 'him' freak out on the other line, Danny finally mustered up the courage to speak up,

"H-Harry...? I thought that 'computer-y guy' killed you?"

"I managed to escape, but that's not the point. Where's Robin, I need him to-" 

"He's dead..."

Silence...nothing but the sound of rain falling onto the roof of their house. That sound used to relax him, it would lull him back to sleep after he was woken by his nightmares of 'them', but now the repeated noise only made his stomach hurt more than it already did.

Finally Harry spoke up again "Danny, listen to me very carefully. I'm coming to save you whether those teachers or your dad stop me or not. What I'm going to need you to do until then is try to steer clear of any singing inanimate objects you come face to face with, can you do that for me?"


"Oh, and Danny? I...I love you, okay*? I'm proud of how far you've come from how naive you used to be..." 

Danny smiled sadly.

"...I love you too" 

The two friends stayed silent, waiting for one or the other to hang up first, until Danny slowly placed the phone back and looked back at the table littered with the entrails of his former friend.

"...Harry's coming to save me, Robin...I hope that puts you at peace..."

"I miss you..."


eyy bb, guess who's back writing an angsty DHMIS fanfic, this girl :'D

Y'know, I might actually be able to complete this if I don't get distracted by school and crap

Welp, I hope that's the case

Adios :P


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