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Ellie's outfit:

Ellie's outfit:

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Soooo..... it's been about a month since my first day and today is my birthday. Filming has been great and I have gotten really close to everyone, especially Emma and Tom. Sammy insisted on throwing a big party for my birthday with a ton of high school friends but because it's a high school party there is going to be way more than just a couple people. Obviously I went to high school before Harry Potter and I'm technically still in it but just take my senior classes on set. I'm also inviting all my Harry Potter cast friends because they should be able to enjoy my birthday. We were throwing it at Sammy's house because she has a huge house and her parents aren't home very often. But they for sure aren't coming home tonight because they have some business trip or something.

Ever since I've gotten the part of Pandora I've been more open and less quiet. Maybe it's the new people or what? But I like the new me. I've also gotten more money so my family is doing much better but my mother doesn't like the fact that I'm holding up the house.

Right now I was in Sammy's room trying to figure out what to wear at the party. It started at 8pm and it was 7 right now so I was panicking. Her parents were rich because of their business so she had a shit load of clothes.

I finally picked out an outfit when Sammy walked in with a smile.

"Hey. Guests will be here in like twenty minutes." She told me before walking out. I quickly put on the outfit and did my makeup. I brushed my hair a little before walking down stairs to hear a knock on the front door.

"I'll get it!" I shouted before going to the door. I opened it to see Tom, Emma, Dan, and Rupert.

"Hey!" I smiled and hugged Tom because he was in front. I hugged the rest as they walked in I then saw that they all had presents and I sighed.

"I told you no presents-"

"Well you know us Ella." Tom cut me off.

"I'll open them now because high school parties don't have time to open presents." They all laughed and I opened all their presents. Emma gave me a dark red bracelet with the word 'Badass' carved into it. Dan gave me new boxing gloves because I desperately needed them. Rupert gave me a book with the title 'What to do with your life after high school' which made us laugh. I made it to Tom's present and unwrapped it to see a small velvet box. I opened it and froze. There laid a small sun necklace.



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PANDORA'S ACTOR | T. FELTONWhere stories live. Discover now