Chapter 6

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Connie could not believe that she was in a car with the cousin of Theresa Jones. Yet there was something that made the whole moment less magical. Maybe it was the fact that Theresa's normally dark brown skin was very pale for her color, or maybe the fact she was shivering and clenching the wheel like it cost her life.

"Theresa, seriously, where are we going?" demanded Cameron. "This is not what I expected when your cousin told me to meet you!"

Connie, Cameron, and Theresa were in Theresa's car and driving to someplace unknown to the other passengers. After Theresa had mysteriously stepped out of the cafe with Connie and Cameron at her heels, she'd gestured for them to get inside her car. It was odd, but Connie trusted her. It had been two minutes since then and Theresa was refusing to answer all of their questions with a shudder in her voice.

"I ... I don't want to say," she told them in response to his question. "I can't even say it."

"Are we in danger?" Connie asked. "Are we going to see something or someone dangerous?"

"Not exactly," Theresa told her. "Please don't ask. I'm trying not to think about it." Her tone made Connie feel a little bit of pity for Theresa, but she wasn't sure why. "Can we talk about something else?"

"No," said Cameron, who was obviously not feeling the pity for her. "I think Connie and I deserve to know what's going on. We're in your car, for goodness' sake! Do you know how much trust that takes?"

"Fine!" Theresa let out a huge breath, so loudly and strongly Connie had to wonder how long she'd been holding it. "This is our destination, anyway." Theresa pulled over the car in the parking lot of what looked like a hospital.

It did look like someone was going to be in danger.

"The Astryl Private Hospital for Extreme Cases?" Cameron asked. "Why'd you take us to APHEC?"

"APHEC is the only place in the city where you can donate U-type blood," Theresa said, shivering with the last word. "I looked at the note, and I'm positive this is what we need to do."

"U-type blood?" Connie asked. "That's not a thing. The only types of blood are A, B, AB, O, and their respective negatives. There's no such thing as 'U'-type blood."

"Yes, there is. And I have it. It's just ... U positive and U negative are blood types white people don't have. They're normal blood types, but only black people have them. That's why you guys have probably never heard of it." Theresa held her hand out. "Give me the note."

Cameron gave it to her and she pointed to the part that said, FIRST, YOU are the perfect type. "FM isn't talking about all of us being the perfect type to recruit to his gang or whatever. He's talking about U being the perfect type of blood he wants us to donate. Maybe it'll unlock something. Or the receipt will have a note on it. Or maybe the person who assists me through the donation will be FM themselves!"

"Fair enough, it's possible," said Connie. "And if we're wrong? You think there might be a consequence for guessing wrong?"

"No way. FM would have to go through every possible way of us guessing it and rig that for an extended amount of time. There's no way anyone would do that, especially if it's 'just in case,' and not a full guarantee.'" Cameron sighed. "So ... your biggest fear is ... donating blood?"

"Needles," she corrected. "It sounds childish, like the fear of a twelve-year-old, but I'm seriously terrified. Don't make jokes," she added when Cameron looked like he was about to crack up. "It's serious. It might even be a phobia, but I guess we have to do this."

Connie nodded. "Let's go get this over with. Don't freak out — you might not even have to donate anything. Maybe just the process of signing up will give us the clue. We are the luckiest people alive right now."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2020 ⏰

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