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We decided to play Veronica . We took all we needed , but we couldnt find scissors so , as crazy as April is she said we should use a two holled knife , and we ignored her , until Laura found the scissors , but for some reason April forgot to keep the knife and dropped it on the bathroom table . It was already 1:37 , looking for the scissors wasted alot of time . So in rush we went to the Bathroom , infront of the miror , turned off the lights and shut the door . Once April saw Veronica , she realised she had nothing to ask which irritated the spirit and made her looked for the sharpest object near by , Laura and i had time to run out but April stayed in , frozen . By the time we realised her absence , we slightly oppend the door to see her socked with overflooding blood , by the time we raised our eyes to see if the woman was still in the mirror , she threw the knife which trespassed the door , but we didnt want to believe she was aimimg us , but we knew she was . We ran to the nearest room which was the living room . Appearently if the mirror was not broken , the woman , ghost , spirit? What ever she was , could excape and come after us but we were not aware , so we kept on going , not knowing she was with us this whole time . We didnt know any other game , so Laura and i looked up on internet, but there was no wifi , quit obviuos ,we were in a horor scene , so we went to get a book and found a game called Red door Yellow door . We didnt know how to play it so we read through it . At the end we lost track of time , it was 2:20 am .by the time we wanted to go out , the doors were locked , not caring we kept reading on other games , and we met the story of veronica and how we had to brake it , fear grew in us , we stayed motionless thinking of where she could be . We looked for more and found out if in any of this games you die , you join the spirit and terorise humans . I looked at Laura noticing tear drops running down her face , i tried to comfort her but it only made it worste , in a moment like this what else were we able to do , so i began to cry too. I felt the whistleling and cries end , the doors began to open , Laura had fallen asleep but for some reason curriosity kept me awake . I went to the  1st bathroom to see if dice was still there but he wasnt , but the floor was as cleen as we met it . In the second bathroom i didnt find April , to my suprise , i found Veronica smilling . Her soft voice told me to brake the mirror , she informed me that she made the spirits go away , i smilled at her with tears , i thanked her , she told me to brake it before she changes mood again, so i broke it and she was gon . It as all over .Or i  thought so.

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