A Wolf In Sheep's Clothing

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Judging by the soreness in Katrina's limbs, Kane was not only intent on retaining her daily routine but pushing her to her limit. The intensified rigor could easily be contributed to her brother and his, in Kane's view, lack of discipline. He seemed to harbor the belief that Harry would be a terrible influence, undoing all that he had instilled in her. There was no question that the siblings, though they shared physical similarities, experienced different upbringings. It was not just the fact that Harry lived with their muggle relatives who flinched at the mere mention of magic while Katrina learned magic from a young age but their opposing personalities, with Harry being the more impulsive and stubborn of the two.

The next morning, the soreness lingered, Katrina choosing to remain in bed. Hearing the door creak, she half expected a surprise lesson from Kane and lifted her head, wincing from the shooting pain in her neck. Instead of her guardian, Sirius stepped into the room, carrying a tray of scrambled eggs, fresh fruit, and a cup of green tea. Shutting the door with the back of his heel, he explained that Kane left at the crack of dawn for a meeting at MACUSA.

"He was very specific to Molly about what you could eat." Katrina scooted back as he neared the bed, her wool blanket and the duvet underneath acting as a shield. "I know you're not used to all this yet so I told her to let you have a lie-in. If you want some bacon, it'll be our little secret."

He lowered the tray onto the bed. "I'm a vegetarian," she replied, uncorking the vial on the tray.

She poured its contents into the tea, stirring the golden powder with a spoon. Taking a sip, she held back a grimace, never used to the bitter taste. The palms of her hands briefly emitted a reddish glow. As she picked up a fork, she waited for him to leave but he remained seated on the edge of the bed, possibly hoping for a chance to continue their conversation from dinner the previous night. Most of the Order members had left shortly after Kane, either to their jobs, pretending it was a day like any other, or out on assignment. Remus was visiting an old friend of his, to glean information on werewolves being swayed to Voldemort's ranks.

"I see he gave you the necklace. I helped your father pick you out, you know," said Sirius, chuckling to himself. "He was dreadful at getting gifts, especially for your mother. I doubt Carlisle ever said as much but you look just like she did at your age. I bet you crinkle your nose the same too. With how often she used to do it around your father, I thought she'd get stuck that way."

Katrina bit back a smile, happy with any tidbits about her parents. She would not have minded listening to Sirius tell her stories the rest of the day. As she finished her meal, he encouraged her to get dressed to meet Harry, Hermione, and the Weasleys, who were assisting Mrs. Weasley with a deep-dive cleaning of the dilapidated house. Changing out of her nightgown, she followed Sirius to a room on the first floor, where the others, their faces wrapped in cloths, sprayed bottles of black liquid at the moss-green velvet curtains.

A bucket next to Mrs. Weasley was filled with doxies, fairy-like pests covered in thick black hair. Katrina noticed Fred and George pocket the tiny creatures. Moving away from the bucket, Mrs. Weasley tiptoed over to the doorway, looking uncertain.

"Katrina, dear, if this is too much for you, I understand," she whispered. "Merlin knows what's hiding in this place. We may encounter some hexed objects and I don't want you in any danger."

"I'll be okay," said Katrina, raising her hands. Instead of pale blue, she was wearing peach-colored gloves to match her cardigan. "They protect me from any...accidents. I want to help however I can."

"That's the spirit." Sirius grabbed a bloodstained sack from a tattered armchair. "Better get back to feeding Buckbeak. I can introduce you later, if you like, Katrina. Ever seen a hippogriff?"

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