Flu Season

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*back story for this one shot : December time and Azura gets the flu. I say it is December because that is bad weather where I live. Also I'm saying college and university exists in this world just to give it some detail and that they didn't get married like in the main story*

It was a tough couple of days. In the frostbourne army, everyone had to do a survival course once a year, and do it unaccompanied. The weather was known to be bad out in the woods, and it was the toughest you could get. If you got out of survival training without a slight bruise, you were impressive.

Patrick was worried. Azura had been out on survival training, and she had just come back the night before . That would normally be relaxing, (with his crush on her and stuff) but she had gone straight to her bedroom without stopping.

Now it was the morning after Azura had returned, and he had decided to go and check on her....

Patrick's P. O. V
"hey blueberry, guessing you're tired right?" azzy was mumbling and not really with it. "I think I have the flu" was what I heard. "But we all get shots to stop that- oh wait. "

I realised Azura was allergic to the flu shot. So it was possible. I took her down to the hospital wing just in case, they took one look and said it was flu.

Fast forward about a week, and I was down seeing Azura. She had gotten worse over the week, and didn't want to sleep or eat, meaning her body was starving while having the flu, which the doctors said made the chances of survival lower.

It got worse that night. They couldn't get her to eat and she had gotten a fever overnight. Apparently it was too much for her body to handle. "We think you might be able to get her to eat, because else we are honestly out of options.

I obviously gave it a shot. Somehow I got her to eat a bowl of soup, but I got called away about something to do with the nether. That's when I realised how much I needed Azura. She went to college/University, and was the only one to do so in a couple of generations other than a few who left the village.

The next day I got told that Azura had stopped getting worse, but she wasnt getting any better either. It didn't feel like it was hopeless, but I still didn't feel safe getting hopeful.

I didn't have to worry though. A couple of days later Azura was let out of the hospital, but without permission to work indoors for more than two hours, and wasn't allowed to fight.

It took a couple of weeks, but Azura got better. One night, I had the terrible guts to ask her to go on a walk. Azura, had the politeness to say yes (it was a terrible idea but she was used to it, we'd been going out for a year or so.)

"remembered your coat this time?" I was being particularly careful this week after the flu.
"Yes, I'm not going to risk it again."

We'd chosen a night where there was going to be a full moon. "did I ever tell you my parents made my middle name eclipse after the moon?"


"Yes. This was nice." then daryll caught us kissing.

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