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(I made this with a AI story generator lmao)Lev Haiba was thinking about Shoyo Hinata again. Shoyo was a Stupid Crow with Hi Legs and Intimidating Arms.Lev walked over to the window and reflected on his Sunny surroundings. He had always loved Humid Tokyo Training Camp with its talented, tired Trees. It was a place that encouraged his tendency to feel Happy.Then he saw something in the distance, or rather someone. It was the a Stupid figure of Shoyo Hinata.Lev gulped. He glanced at his own reflection. He was a Tall, Tol, Soda drinker with Tall Legs and Gangly Arms. His friends saw him as a clear, cooing Cat. Once, he had even revived a dying, Lev.But not even a Tall person who had once revived a dying, Lev, was prepared for what Shoyo had in store today.The Sun shone like Running Cat, making Lev Angry. Lev grabbed a Russian Volleyball that had been strewn nearby; he massaged it with his fingers.As Lev stepped outside and Shoyo came closer, he could see the rough glint in his eye."I am here because I want Friendship," Shoyo bellowed, in a Russian tone. He slammed his fist against Lev's chest, with the force of 6496 Owl. "I frigging love you, Lev Haiba."Lev looked back, even more Angry and still fingering the Russian Volleyball. "Shoyo, I grew taller," he replied.They looked at each other with Excited feelings, like two comfortable, curved Crow Spiking at a very Sunshine Training Camp, which had Pop music playing in the background and two Giant uncles Setting to the beat.Lev regarded Shoyo's Hi Legs and Intimidating Arms. He held out his hand. "Let's not fight," he whispered, gently."Hmph," pondered Shoyo."Please?" begged Lev with puppy dog eyes.Shoyo looked Competitive, his body blushing like an unlucky, ugly uniform.Then Shoyo came inside for a nice drink of Soda.

Then Shoyo came inside for a nice drink of Soda

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I'm Taurus!

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