Harder than it sounds Chapter 6

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Tesha nervously smiled and waved hi, prompting Harry to practical race over

Harry: Hey-Hey, you're a Tracy, right?

Tesha: Tesha! Actually, but you got the "T" right, I mean, what are names anyway?

Harry: Yeah, I mean some people call me Harry

James: "Isn't that your na...oh" James said before being elbowed by Lily who moved things forward "

Lily: So, Harry, did you come over because you wanted something from Tesha, or did you just want to improve the view?

Harry: Well I was wondering if she...you wanted to do something later

Tesha, who up until this point, had been in a trance, Harry's Greek features were only enhanced up close, suddenly startled awake "wait, are you asking me out like on a date, me I thought you didn't date?" Tesha adjusted her glasses

Harry: Yeah, well, normally, I don't like to be limited to just one girl, but ever since yesterday, you have just been in my head.

Tesha: Yesterday, like around 2:15 on the football field?

Harry: Yes, I thought I heard something, and then I saw you

Tesha: Oh, that, I was cheering for you. I just love football, he-he, GO Vultures."

James: Phoenixes

Tesha said quickly, "Phoenixes."

Harry: Yeah, I still remember it, "Yeah Harry, high-score, want more. It's just been in my head over and over like... "

Lily: "a song you just can't shake,"

Tesha: "Lily!" not wanting to give Harry any ideas nudged her friend knocking over her juice.

Harry "oh no, Oh here I'll clean it up," Harry said pulling up his shirt exposing chiseled abs "Woah," Tesha and Lily said entranced by the live muscles

James: Harry, Dude!

Harry: "huh."

Brad: Instead of ruining your nice white T-shirt, how about you just go get us some napkins

Harry: Oh yeah right, I don't know why I've just had a weird compulsion to do that since yesterday?"

Harry heading towards the cafeteria kitchen.

James: That was weird

Lily: Yeah, almost supernatural

Tesha: Lily!

Lily: What? They know about siren magic.

"Wait, did you..." Brad nudged in closer and whispering "Siren-song him"

Tesha: It's was an accident; I had just gotten my power like maybe an hour ago, I didn't know anything about magical creatures, and I didn't even think he'd hear me.

Brad: Girl, that is awesome, I wish I could do that then I wouldn't have Henry Ziegler as my lab partner

Tesha: That dopey stoner with the weird hair?

Brad: I looked down at my sketch-book for just a second, and suddenly he was all that was left."

James: Hey, since you've got him wrapped around your finger, mind seeing if he can help me get on the football team?

Lily: Aren't you supposed to go to try-outs?

James: Yeah, but you get judged softer if you have a connection

Harry came made his way back to the table want to clean up the water, Tesha gulped, and decided to go with it.

Tesha: Hey, Harry crazy question, but do you think you could help my friend James he wants to get on the football team. And, I... I heard having a member help you with is an advantage or something like that.

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2020 ⏰

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