Mario Kart Wii

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He could hear the pitter-patter of rain on the roof, and sighed at the relaxing noise. He knew that in a matter of minutes, the sound would be drowned out by the sounds of hysterical laughing, screams of anger, and the click click of controller buttons. He was so exited for the night ahead. In fact, he was so lost in thought about the excitement, that he didn't hear the padded steps of a certain Canadian entering the living room. As the cushions beside him shifted, he jumped. "Ah... Jesus, Jon. Don't scare me like that!" Emile laughed, startled by Jon sitting next to him. Jon laughed with him. "Okay, okay, sorry. You ready to get started?" Jon asks, reaching for a blue Wii remote on the coffee table in front of them. He pulls the wrist strap up his wrist, then snaps the clamp at the bottom. Emile reaches for the red Wii remote, and does the same with his strap. He then responds to Jon,"I'm ready, but Tim said he had to take care of something before starting. I'm glad I gave him the guest bedroom closest to the bathroom." Emile said, another wave of laughter coming over him. After he and Jon laughed for a second, silence loomed over them. They were staring at each other intently, and not knowing what they were doing, began to lean in. Emile's eyes started to droop, and so did Jon's. Eyes now closed, they were inches apart, when a noise was heard. "Hey guys, I'm ready. I was just IN THE BATHR- ooooooh. Do you guys need a minute?" He ended, smirking. Both boys on the couch looked up, blushing. "N-no. Nothing. U-uh. We're, we're good. Y-y-yeah. Ready!" Emile said, the words stumbling out of his mouth unsteadily. He looked away from Jon, as his face became even more red. Jon also looked in the opposite direction, too embarrassed to say anything.  Tim chuckled, and took a seat in the large, brown leather chair on the left side of  the couch. Emile got up, and looked through a stack of Wii games on the floor next to the TV. After a few seconds, he had finally found the right game, and popped it into the Wii console. He then sat down on the far right if the couch, avoiding eye contact with Jon, and pointed his Wii remote at the TV. Mario's voice was heard, along with the sound of a car's engine revving, and taking off. He clicked the start button, waiting on the game to load. They chose a Grand Prix, and their characters. Emile decided on Waluigi, Jon decided on Peach, and Tim, of course, decided on Yoshi. The first level they chose was Coconut Mall, and as the buzzer blared, the karts on the screen took off. "So, guys, how has your day been?" Tin started, trying to break the awkward silence. "Good." Jon answered quietly, his eyes intently focused on the television screen. "Great, how has yours been?" Emile responded, as a determined look came upon his face. "Mine's been fabulous. Thanks for asking." Tim smiled, making a hard left turn, his Wii remote's strap falling down his wrist. They sat in silence once more. After a minute, the last lap came, and it was almost like all that had happened before, had disappeared. "DOH I MISSED!" Emile yelled, shooting a green shell at Jon in front of him. Jon maniacally laughed as he slipped past the shell, and dodged the next one. "Hey Mr. Second Place?! How's the weather back there? Jon yelled, pushing for the finish line. Suddenly, a black blur flew across the screen.

"What the hell?!?!" Both Jon and Emile yelled. Tim, on the left of Jon, gave them a laugh in return. Once the others sped across the finish line, they looked at Tim. Tim explained, "Last second Bullet Bill!! Haha!" He laughed again. This time, Jon and Emile laughed with him. They continued the Grand Prix. In the second race, Emile was in first, and Jon, who was in second place, bombed him and took first. Although, about 15 seconds later, Emile hit him with three red shells, and Jon yelled, "CONROY!" Emile broke out into laughter, and then looked at Jon. He was thinking about how sexy Jon looked when he was angry. His eyes were so glued to the Canadians angry face, that he didn't see Jon hit him with a green shell, and take back his first place. His eyes snapped back to the screen, and he blushed. He was shocked at himself for thinking that about Jon. I mean, its not like Jon would think about him the same... He sighed. Tim looked over curiously, and Emile waves him off with his Wii remote. Tim resumes the game, and fires a blue shell. Emile snickers, and Jon finally see's what is coming towards him. "GAAAAAME!" He yells, almost throwing his remote. Emile and Tim laugh. A few more games go by, and the Grand Prix is over. Tim has won first, Emile second, and Jon, surprisingly, third.They all high five, and Emile is about to start another game, when Tim yawns. "Hey guys, I think I'm gonna go off to bed. I'm super tired, and was planning to record in the morning. Night!" Tim waves, and walls out of the room. Jon and Emile, left alone, turn to each other. "Hey, sorry for what happened before we were playing, it won't happen again. I'm sorry." Emile nervously rambles, trying to look away from Jon, but always glancing back up. Emile notices Jon's face grow soft, and a disappointed look comes over him. "Y-yeah. Sorry. I-I didn't uh. I don't know why that happened. Sorry." Jon replied. They sat in silence, once again. Emile looks away, "I-I mean, unless, unless you want it to happen again." He says quietly, nervously glancing up at Jon. The Canadian is surprised. All he can respond, is,"I would like that." Emile, too, is surprised. He leans forward, cupping Jon's chin with his hand. Jon also leans in, wrapping his arms around Emile's neck. Their eyes close, and lips meet in a display of fireworks. Emile's arms go around Jon's waist, as Jon gets closer, deepening the kiss. They continue this for a moment, and eventually have to pull apart for their need of air. They look into each others eyes, and Emile whispers, "Wow," Jon smiles, as Emile pulls Jon close to him, putting his head on Jon's shoulder. "Thanks... I didn't know I was they great of a kisser!" Jon whispers back, cuddling close to Emile. "Does this mean, we're, ya know, uhh, dating?" Emile asks, pulling away from Jon, but only enough to glimpse at his face. "Yes, I mean, I hope so." Jon responds. They nod, knowing the answer is yes. "I've always had a crush on you," Jon whispers into Emile's neck, cuddling closer to him. Emile laughs, "Same here, and I always told myself to get over it, that it was never going to happen, but now, I am so happy. I feel like I could beat you in a game of Mario Kart!" Emile smirks, and Jon does to. "Your on!" Jon responds, grabbing his Wii remote. Emile grabs his, and straps it on. They continue playing, never noticing the smiling figure in the dark doorway behind them. Tim smiles, and walls back to his bedroom. "Finally, it took them long enough!" He exclaims, taking off his shoes and sitting on his bed, grabbing his laptop. He types in over Skype, "The birds have soared, I repeat, the love birds have taken flight." He smiles at the many happy responses he gets, laughing at Lucah's response especially. Her's says, "FINALLY! MAH BALLS WAS ALMOST RETIRED FROM HOW LONG THIS TOOK! IM SO HAPPY FOR THEM" And many smiley faces followed. Tim knew that Jon and Emile would be together forever. Now, Tim just needed to find love. He looked down at his Skype, seeing a message from Lucah. "Man, I wish a man would treat me like that," Lucah said with a laughing emote. Tim laughed, and responded. They talked for hours, and when Tim looked up at the clock to see it was 1:30, he told Lucah good night, and walled quietly into the kitchen. From the open wall in the kitchen, he could see two tufts of hair over the couch. Once he walled around the couch, what he saw made him visibly soften. Emile and Jon were cuddled up on the couch, Mario Kart still on the TV, and wrist straps around their wrists. Jon had his head on Emile's shoulder, and Emile's head was on top of Jon's.  Their arms were around  each other adorably. First, Tim took out his phone and snapped a few pictures, then he carefully unhooked their Wii remotes, and put them on the coffee table. He turned off the television, and grabbed a blanket out of the closet in the hallway behind them. Quietly, he laid it across Jon and Emile, and snuck out of the room. He laughed at what their reaction would be when they woke up. As he gets ready for bed, he says,  "Its funny, Mario Kart is supossed to ruin friendships, not make relationships." He laughs, and gets in bed, drifting off into dreamland.

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