Chapter 11: the scan

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MC let out a deep breath as she pulled her jacket on. Biting her lip, she glanced across her room. Her heart was beaten fast as she wasn't thinking straight. The adrenaline of everything almost excited her. Grabbing the chocolate lizard from her dresser, she slipped it into her pocket before grabbing her D.D.D and leaving the room.

It'd taken a lot of courage for her to leave the palace without Diavolo's permission but she had to if she wanted to be alone. Thankfully him and Barbatos were completely tied up for the day, having various responsibilities they had to attend to in Devildom.

Leaving the palace was an easy task for MC. As she slipped out of the doors, she immediately pulled out her D.D.D.

Ever since Lucifer had come over to the palace and left her with the small gift, she hadn't been able to shift him from her mind. The tiny chocolate lizard was the small thread of hope that she clung on to. Who could have imagined that something that probably only cost £2 would bring so much happiness to one person.

When Diavolo returned to her room that night without Lucifer, she had a small suspicion that the Prince had sent him away with more duties. Knowing how dedicated Lucifer was to his responsibilities and how difficult it is to take him away from them, MC decided that she'd have to be the one to make a move.

Her thumb hovered over his name on her contact list. With her heart thumping, she debated where or not to call him.

'No, I have to.' She told herself, 'he can't miss it'

Tapping the screen, his picture appeared as she waited for an answer. Her face lit up when she heard his confused voice on the other line. "MC?" He asked surprised.

MC wasn't aware but Lucifer had the biggest smile on his face.

"Luci, I hope I'm not disturbing you." She breathed as her stomach fluttered, "it occurred to me that I never thanked you for your gift - I was hoping I could stop by at the house and see you?" She asked. "If you're not busy..."

Lucifer stared down at his paperwork that covered his desk with stressed face. But then his eyes fell on the magazine Satan had left him with. Feeling his stress turn to anger, his sudden worry over the work Diavolo had given him vanished. "I'd love that."

A wide smile spread across MC's face. Even though this would only be the second time she'd seen Lucifer since she moved into the palace, a small part of her felt like things were the way they'd left them when she returned to the human realm. There was a small shred of normality that she clung onto dearly.


MC knocked once on the door to the House of Lamentation before letting herself inside. Excitement filled her body as she recognised the familiar surroundings. It was surprisingly quiet considering who lived there. 'They must all be at RAD'

Walking down the hallways, MC grew nervous as she got closer to Lucifer's study. She had to compose herself as she stood outside the door. Quickly wrapping her coat around her stomach, she knocked quietly. When she heard his voice, she turned the door handle cautiously before stepping into the room.

As she entered, her and Lucifer shared a gaze. Both of their hearts beat rapidly as she shut the door behind her. "MC." He spoke softly, letting a smile appear on his face. "You came."

"You really thought I wouldn't?" She returned the smile as she stepped closer.

"Does Diavolo know you're here?" He asked her cautiously as his face hardened.

"No." She shook her head, "He doesn't know a thing. I thought it'd be best this way, I wanted to be able to have some time alone with you."

Her gesture made his heart feel warm. Usually he'd never encourage such behaviour; going behind Lord Diavolo's back, but on this occasion he didn't care. Although he felt unsteady as she slowly stepped toward him, his breath still hitched in his throat as he gazed at her. "Me too...did you like my gift?"

"Like it?" She laughed, "Lucifer I couldn't believe my eyes. Why have you held onto it for all this time?"

"Because you bought it for me." He nodded.

MC smiled at him, feeling herself getting sheepish as she shifted on her feet. Lucifer stood up from his seat, not taking his eyes off her as he gradually walked toward where she was standing. His heart began pounding. Without saying a word, he pulled her into his arms, hugging her tightly.

MC let out a sigh as she hugged him back, pressing her body against his. She felt his frame stiffen at the feeling of her stomach pressing into his.

He pulled out suddenly, fear racing through his eyes as he gawped down at her. "You're showing." He whispered, his eyes flickering to her stomach that was hidden beneath her coat.

MC nodded, feeling her cheeks growing red. "That's actually why I came here today." She spoke quietly. Lucifer held her by the shoulders as he waited for her to continue. "I'm going to the doctors for my first scan...I was hoping you'd come." She asked softly.

Lucifer's mind immediately became conflicted as panic rose through his body. He hadn't expressed his fears of being a Father to MC...she didn't know how he was really feeling. To her, his distant mannerisms had been because he was overloaded with responsibilities and had no time for her but in reality it's not just that. In fact, it was hardly that at all.

MC could see that his mind was racing. Gazing at him with pleading eyes, she held onto his waist coat. "Please." She whispered with hope.

He could never say 'no' to that face.

"Okay." He gave in with a sigh. "Let me just clear up and I'll grab my cloak."


Lucifer was practically frozen as he stood in the doctor's office. MC was laying back on the bed, waiting for the nurse to return. Her breathing was unsteady as nerves filled her body. She couldn't hide the small smile that was on her face as she anticipated seeing their baby for the first time. Lucifer on the other hand couldn't take his eyes off her as they waited in silence.

The nurse soon entered and prepared the equipment, turning on the monitor. As she conversed with MC about what was about to happen, Lucifer could feel himself getting dizzy. But no matter how ill he felt, he refused to cower. He agreed to come so that he could prove to MC that she has his support. There was absolutely no way he was going to let Diavolo take her for her first scan.

"Now this may feel a bit cold." The nurse warned MC as she lifted up her top.

Lucifer's eyes widened as he saw her protruding belly for the first time. He couldn't believe how much she'd grown since being apart from each other. He watched intently as the nurse squirted the ultrasound gel onto MC's skin. Slowly, she began manoeuvring the transducer across her stomach. A black and white image projected onto the monitor as the nurse located the position of the baby.

MC had glassy eyes as she anticipated the scan appearing while Lucifer was still trying to not faint. As the image began to clear, he crouched down beside the bed, sliding his hand into MC's.

"There's your baby!" The nurse smiled, pointing at the monitor, "that there is the head. I'll give you two a minute."

Leaving the room, Lucifer and MC were left to their silence as they gawped at the screen. "Oh my goodness..." MC whispered with a wholesome expression as she studied the monitor completely mesmerised.

Lucifer was quiet as he still held onto her hand. His lips were parted and his eyebrows were furrowed as his wide eyes continued to examine the image before him, occasionally flickering his eyes to her swollen belly. Breathing shakily, his heart felt like it was about to burst out of his chest as it pumped blood rigorously through his nervous body.

MC continued admiring the image of their baby before them before turning her head to Lucifer, "Thank you for coming with me today." She spoke quietly, "I know you were busy."

"I wouldn't miss this." He shook his head. She was satisfied with his response.

"That's our baby." MC smiled.

" is."

Lucifer x MC x ???Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz