Chapter 3

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I woke up in Dark's arms slightly surprised I was still cuddling with him and that he is still asleep I shook him a little but he still didn't wake up so I just yelled "WAKE UP BOY" he woke up a little startled and I felt bad "i'm sorry" I said as I got up "why did you yell that" Dark asked "because your a boy and you need to be woke" I said as I grabbed my clothes and went to shower I took my shower and changed only to walk out of the bathroom and bump into Dark "HOLY SHIT" I said falling backwards only to be caught by Dark "good reflexes" I said as I left the bathroom and went to the pool I started singing smoke and mirrors when I finished singing I saw Dark "I...uh did you hear that all" I said while blushing "yes who was it for" he asked I shrugged "nobody really it's just a good song" I said as Dark pushed me into the pool "nice one can you help me out now" I said Dark reached out his hand and I pulled him in "haha got you" I said splashing water on Dark "come on (Y/n) that wasn't very nice" Dark said pulling us both out of the water "well you weren't very nice either were you" I said putting my hands on my hips "okay that's fair" Dark said I smiled and all the sudden I was dry my hair was straight and I was wearing a hoodie with sweatpants and Dark was wearing his suit "okay so do you want to watch a movie" Dark asked "sure lets watch upload its a great series I've heard" I said looking up at Dark "okay sounds cool" Dark said as we got snacks and sat down on the couch I put on the first episode and Dark liked it as we got more into the series I started feeling this feeling it was weird but it happened when Dark put his arm around me as we continued to watch we got to the part where they were about to kiss I looked into Dark's eyes and he looked into mine then we leaned in and kissed just like in the show I felt sparks go through me as we kissed until I heard "ooooh looks like Dark got a girlfriend" I saw Mark and two other dude's there they all said it at the same time which made me blush "shut up guys" Dark said I felt my face heat up and looked away "I...I'm gonna take a nap" I said while running upstairs I wasn't actually going to take a nap I was just gonna listen to music I started heading towards my room but accidentally walked into Dark's I just jumped on the bed and listened to music I slowly started closing my eyes and fell asleep I was freezing cold but I couldn't find the blanket so I just decided to sleep then all the sudden I felt something warm press up against me I smiled in my sleep and cuddled up against it more then I woke back up at about three in the morning and saw Dark cuddling with me and looking at his phone I smiled and turned to face Dark "hello" I said smiling "hello why were you in my room" Dark asked "oh I thought it was my room even though it was really cold" I said "yeah and you didn't sleep with a blanket so I decided to cuddle with you I want you to stay warm" Dark said I smiled "awww is Darkie worried about me" I said with a little giggle I saw Dark blush a dark red "well yeah because I don't want you to get sick" Dark said I felt my face heat up a little but I didn't care I was happy "I know it's three and all but do you wanna go to the beach maybe we could stargaze" I said Dark nodded and we got ready we put on our shoes and headed to the beach when we arrived Dark set down a blanket we laid down and looked at the stars we stayed there for a long time "look at that one it looks like a heart" I said looking over at Dark I smiled and we kissed again then I soon fell asleep Dark brought me home and cuddled with me "goodnight" Dark said as we feel asleep together, The next morning I was woken up to food on the nightstand next to me and a note that read "sorry I had to go Mark needed help with filming a heist with Markiplier I will be back when were done" I shrugged and ate my breakfast then went on my phone "today is gonna be so boring" I said going to Dark's room putting on his shirt and relaxing

(an hour later)

"were back!!!" Dark yelled I ran downstairs and hugged Dark "thank god I was so board" I said as Dark carried me upstairs again "really you were that board without me cutie" Dark said I blushed and nodded "well now you're here" I said as I tackled Dark onto his bed "haha I got you and you wont be able to get up again" I said giggling then Dark flipped us over and whispered "I'm always top" then he got off of me I blushed a dark red "hey guess what" Dark said "what" I said "I wont have to leave for a while so I'm all your's" Dark said I squealed and hugged Dark holding onto him tight "thank god I love you so much and it's so boring without you" I said as I covered my mouth and blushed an even darker red "you love me?" Dark asked I looked up at him and nodded "well I love you too" Dark said as he walked out the door I felt my mouth drop when he said that I just fell back and laid down thinking about what he said does he really love me is he just messing with me is he faking my mind was going insane until I heard the door open again "well it's midnight so we should sleep" Dark said and all the sudden we were in our pajamas "well goodnight Dark see you in the morning" I said starting to leave all the sudden I was back on Dark's bed wearing his shirt "stay here tonight" Dark said putting his arm's around me "okay" I said laying down and cuddling close to Dark "goodnight Darkie" I said slowly drifting to sleep "goodnight (y/n)" Dark said as we fell asleep together.

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