Moving in❤️

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The hype house put auditions to join the them and was going to pick two winners so I auditioned using a video with my sister. We were 100% sure we would never get picked we just did it because we was bored and why not. Exactly seven days later I got a dm of the hype house congratulating me and my sister for being excepted into the hype house we was over the moon but also nervous to meet everyone we started to pack our bags and then we heard a knock on the door.

It was a package from the hype house with all the merchandise so me and my sister put on some of the Merchandise. I put on Nicks and my sister put on Tony's we got into the car and left to go to the house.

We arrived...

We knocked on and Tony answered the door "nice merch"  he said to my sister and just smiled at me "thanks" my sister said back. Not far behind Tony was Nick "hi I'm Nick what's your names?" "My names Sophie and this is my sister chloe" I said "well come in" Tony said with a massive smile.

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