The Divorce Song

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I wonder what my father thinks every morning
I don't know, don't live with him
But I know the last thing he's doing is mourning

But oh god do I know what he thinks of me
He knows every time I've screamed, rather
Every mistake I'd lead

But maybe it's all in my head
And maybe I'm just going insane

Maybe I'm a little fucked up
But at least I'm not on the same level as him
I know I'm worse.
They say 62% of all marriages end in divorce
Give or take whatever you like
But how could that be true when everyone around me is fine
Maybe it's just the loud minority
That's probably true
Since everyone with a perfect life
Ends up being the most friendly

But why does it matter?
When some days you wish your father would just be a little more parental
But why does it matter?
After all, it'd be better if your mom was asexual

Maybe if we hadn't moved so many times I lost count he might have given us more child support

It's funny how the moment they stop calling each other "honey"
The only thing they begin to worry about is money
But I'm sure they both had their reasons for it
Just like my step-dad needed the rent money for the candy I'd be screamed at for asking for a piece of
And my father needed it for the candy you need to breathe in
Ironic that the things you breathe more of cause you to breathe less and less until you're not breathing at all

They say I have asthma but I think the more you don't want to breathe the harder it is for you to try

But I'll keep hoping
That things now are truly better
I'll keep hoping
That I'm not this fucked up forever
I'll keep hoping that some day when my daughter talks to her friends about what her parents do she doesn't have to lie because we're not together

But when one door closes, another opens

a few lyrics i wroteWhere stories live. Discover now