Chaper 1

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Now that I've told you all about what happened in the past, let me begin where it all started. Hey I'm Vei and I'm also known as the egotistical jerk or so they say. I have a huge ego and people usually like me, I'm not going to lie. Before I met Cleo I had met this woman named....let's call her Re and Ky, they would hardcore flirt with me and I honestly liked it because it was my first time in two years to be back. So I let it continue because I needed my ego fed, as bad as that sounds I would've just stuck to flirting but Re ended up falling for me which to this day I don't know why. We flirted here and there, hugged, kissed yet she wasn't really ready for a relationship and she had even told me because she wanted to work on her issues. So I would just flirt to flirt, the next day I met this guy named Jack, he would hardcore flirt with me and asked me plenty of times if I was sure that I was straight which of course I would always affirm that I am indeed straight. He was dead set on "turning me to the dark side" as he would put it, which never happened. Almost a week later on a Saturday I met Cleo and as soon as she said "Hi" I knew I was destined to be with her, she made it everything but easy for me which I understood her later on as we started talking about us. Although my very first impression wasn't at all romantic because I thought she was a "Stuck up bitch", she would talk but not enough about herself. How do I put this, she would rather be talking with other person than with me, but then again she was stuck talking to me. At that time Jack and I already had our crew that's now growing. It consisted of Re, Ky, Kay, Azzie, Tito, Jack and I, we had others but they would leave the same way as they'd come. (We later met Matt, Lizzie, Reaper, Myers, and the rest, which are a lot). We used to keep to ourselves, if someone said hi or anything they'd get ignored because we were just stuck into our own little world. But is wasn't all the time since we did greet some people, I would say something and they would acknowledge it but not when another person tried to. Cleo tried her hardest to join in, in some conversation we were having but she failed in any way possible.

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