Ch.5 Familiar Face

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-Your pov

Liu seemed a little surprised to see me awake before him. I barely slept last night, but I refuse to give him an opportunity to put a blade on my throat. He probably feels the same way about me. He's just as suspicious of me as I am of him. He shifted sided to side for a moment.

"Are      are you ready to head out?" He asked. I nodded my head before following him out of the shack. I was nervous that the guards would be in the forest looking for me. I couldn't decide if the atmosphere was tense or awkward between Liu and me. I cleared my throat a little to try and break the silence some.

"Where are you heading?" I asked. Liu looked at me for a moment.

"There's a mansion deep in the woods here. I'm going to get there if it kills me."  He replied.

"I can arrange that." Talutah said. There are some occasions where I'm glad Talutah only speaks in my head. I struggled to hold back my smile from her comment. Liu saw me stop walking before he stopped himself. He seemed cautious when I opened my bag, but he relaxed some when I took out an apple.

"Why are you so determined to get there?" I asked as I held it out. Liu sighed and took the apple from my hand. He took a few bites while I took out an apple for myself. I closed my bag before we started walking again.

"My brother is there. I've been looking for him for      " He explained before growing quiet. I guess it's a sensitive topic.

"    it feels like forever." He finished. My mind tried to think of an explanation why he hasn't seen his brother in so long. Part of me felt like the scars on Liu's face and neck are related to it.  I snapped out of it when I saw a piece of paper fall out of his pocket.

"Liu, you dropped a piece of newspaper." I stated before going to pick it up. He quickly snatched it before my hand could reach for it.

"Thanks." He said while stuffing it back in his pocket.

"I can carry it in my bag if you want." I said while taking my bag off.

"Thanks, but I got it." He replied. I nodded my head while putting my bag back on. I was a little confused why he didn't want me to carry it. It won't blow away if it's in my bag. It made me curious. Does he not want me to see it? Why?

"Where are you heading?" Liu asked. I bit my lip trying to think of an answer. There's no specific place I'm traveling to.

"Anywhere but back." Talutah stated. I shrugged my shoulders and smiled.

"Anywhere but back." I replied. Liu smiled a little. I could feel the either tense or awkward atmosphere disappear, but it didn't last long. I looked back when we heard dogs barking. The guards must have been searching since this morning. I didn't think they would catch up that fast. I quickly grabbed Liu's hand and started running. I have no idea where to go, but if the dogs catch us, we're screwed. I have nothing to make the dogs stop chasing us. 

"There's a town not too far away. We might lose them there." Liu said before leading me towards the town. My hopes rose when we heard the sound of cars. We almost got hit crossing the road, but we didn't stop until we were several blocks down. We turned a corner and went into a fast-food place. Both of us were on edge since they might still be after us, but we ordered food anyway. Several hours went by before we assumed that they lost us, and it was safe to come out. We started walking down the sidewalk before I burst out laughing. Liu looked really confused making me laugh even more.

"What is it?" He asked. I managed to control my laughter some.

"Two people on the run casually eating crap food while guards are looking for us." I said before we burst out laughing. It started getting dark, so we wandered around until we found an abandoned house on the other side of town. I found a bed to sleep on for the night while Liu claimed the couch.

"Y/n, I'm going to walk around to make sure those guards are out of town. I'll be back soon." He said before walking towards the door. My eyes immediately focused on the paper falling out of his pocket       again. He was outside before I could tell him. I rushed towards it and grabbed the paper. He's still close to the house so I can still give it to him. I subconsciously looked at it as my hand rested on the knob. But then I paused. There was something that caught my eye on the paper. At first it was the word murder, but then my eyes stared down at the picture of who I assume was responsible. I walked away from the door and sat on the couch before I started reading. It was mentioned multiple times that only one resident in the house survived. The last bit of the article said that the killer was the brother and that he hasn't been caught yet.

"Why would Liu want to find his brother after this? His brother dragged him to the border of death with his own hands." I whispered. I read through the paper again to find where the killer was last seen, but I found nothing. I sighed and looked at the picture. I could feel my heart skip a beat. 

"What is it Y/n?" Talutah asked. I examined the picture closer to make sure my eyes weren't messing with me.    It was him.

"I saw him once." I replied.

"When your teacher took you to the hospital? When your mother broke your arm?" She asked before I nodded my head.

"I heard someone laughing down the hall. I stepped out of my room and saw a boy with dark hair and a white face. His nose was barely there." I explained.

"That was before this picture. This murder." I finished. I was shocked that the boy was Liu's brother, but it all adds up.

"Y/n, there's no guards, but I can't find-" Liu said before he saw the paper in my hand. He frantically took it out of my hand and started backing away from me. He wasn't acting like himself.

"Why    were you looking at this?" He sounded tense. I was unsure of what to do or say.

"I    I  " I couldn't even form a sentence. I wasn't sure if he was mad or nervous.

"You weren't supposed to. You shouldn't have. It pisses him o-" Liu suddenly started yelling as if he was in pain.

"No no no no." He mumbled while gritting his teeth.

"Liu?" I was scared now. Something was wrong and I couldn't figure out what it was. He said something between breaths as he gripped his chest.

"W-what?" I whispered before he pushed me back.


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