Chapter 3

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Meet Lora! She's one of drewcjade's OCs so I don't take any credit for her. We wrote the scene together too btw!

There were too many people. I keep my body tense and ready for anything. After so long living wherever possible, being in one place with this many teens was very different. Most of the places I chose were quiet and peaceful, due to my nature to lose control of half of my gift. This was a completely new level for me.

I frown and look at my menu. There's a huge variety of food available but I can't see anyway to order. I've never seen a menu like this one either.

As I'm looking at the menu for instructions, I feel a presence next to me. I look out of the corner of my eye and see a girl squeezing a fluffy pink ball next to me.

She's got long brunette hair with a silver streak in it. I think it looks pretty on her small, fair skinned frame but don't say so.

The ball gives a loud squeak every time she squeezes it and I let it go for now, trying to be at least lenient for the evening.

I go back to looking at the menu but I can't concentrate. The squeaking-ball girl has increased her squeezing and it's starting to irritating my ears.

So many sounds. So many new things. New sounds. New things. Will that person attack? Not likely. But be ready. Be ready for everything. Anything could happen.

I can hear everyone's conversations and it's messing with my head. The squeaking ball doesn't help.

I put my hands in my lap and clench them into fists. I knew my control over my fire was wavering and it was taking all I had to keep it in control. I had to keep my vow.

But then again, I didn't even properly know what my gift was. I knew I could summon flames and could control the darkness. That was certain. But that didn't explain my enhanced hearing, speed, vision and healing abilities that kept being there and then disappearing. I didn't want to lose control in front of everyone. I couldn't lose it.

I knew my gift in total was strong and I practised as much as possible trying to keep control. But I'd still not been able to completely tame it. Or at least, not be able to control the flames. I could control the other parts of my gift but it was just as easy to lose control if I lost my temper, and if one small part of the gift touched the wrong part of a person, they could die.

I can feel my frustration rising as the girl with the ball is squeaking it more. This irritates me the most, even over the conversations of the other students. I feel my control falter and a small flame sparks under the table.

Immediately, I start taking deep breaths in and out as I open an abyss, covering the flame. It was a close call, but not a complete loss of control. I notice the other people in the cafeteria and overhear some of their conversations. From what I can hear from the introductions, most people only have one gift.

I frown and look at my hands. If most people had one gift, why did I have more than one? Fire, darkness, enhanced abilities. Too many. Too many more than the average gifted human.

I take more deep breaths, calming myself down. It helps, but not enough to stop me from snapping at the girl.

"Can you shut up?" The girl was startled and dropped her ball.

"I-I-I'm sorry," she mumbled while fixing her falling glasses. One of the lenses had a crack in it and behind the glasses held silver eyes. Eyes that looked scared.

I'm still pissed at her, but she looks so small and out of place in this big hall. I sigh and open an abyss under the table, making sure no one sees. I had to keep my darkness hidden and only use my flames if I wanted to blend in. They needed more training than my other abilities.

Reaching into the abyss, I feel around until the shadows find the ball. Wrapping my hand around its fluffy sides, I bring it back to the table. By the time I'm looking up again, I see she's got a lasagna in front of her.

"Hey. I'll give you your ball back if you teach me to use the menu. Fair?" Inside, I knew I'd give her back her ball even if she didn't help me but I didn't say anything about that.

Growing up, I found out that keeping your secrets to yourself was how you kept alive. If someone knew too much about you, they could use it against you. That was the last thing I needed so I kept to myself.

"Just click this here on the meal you want,'' she said as she picked up the menu. Her voice was soft, barely audible over the loudness of the crowd. If I didn't have my enhanced hearing, I doubted I would've heard her.

As she pointed to the menu, I saw her hand shaking. She must've noticed it too as she hides it in her lap not a second later.

I clicked on one of the meals and started eating. It tasted delicious and filled my starving stomach.

"I'm sorry I annoyed you. I- I- I use the ball to help control my gift." She quickly starts to dig into her food again. I stare at her quizzically for a few seconds before talking.

"I can't control my gift either. It's been quite a burden and to be honest, it's probably the reason I'm frustrated all the time. That and... other things. But here's your ball back." I toss her ball, without looking at her. Picking up my fork, I start eating again.

I finish my meal before the girl and leave the table. Once I'm in the safety of my room, I relax. I had school tomorrow and wasn't ready for everything that came with classes and people. But Marselle had given me a good enough reason to come to Akarnae so I may as well make the most of it while I'm here.

I fall on my bed without getting unchanged and immediately fall into an uneasy sleep.


Okie, so now we met one of drewcjade's OCs! Hope you'll enjoy seeing her again!

Fun fact!
When I met Lora she seemed very sweet and I immediately liked her. I actually felt a little bad when Eraeya was mean to her XD

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