The Fall

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I've had my fair share of embarrassing moments.

Like the time I was in such a rush to bunk my last class that I tripped on air.

That wasn't the embarrassing part, the embarrassing part was that as I fell forward (I still blame my lack of Kung Fu skills for this. I mean, have you ever seen a ninja tripping?), my arms were flailing (they had a mind of their own), looking for something to grasp to save myself, naturally like everyone who falls. And find something to grasp they did.

Not even two seconds later, I felt hands gripping both my biceps followed by a shriek. A girl who was walking in my direction was the owner of said hands who helped me avoid my fall; and also of the shriek, which I realized as I stood on my own feet was not because of trying to catch me, but was because my hands had landed perfectly on her bosoms, one on each and were grasping them rather tightly (I'm no pervert,I told you my arms had a mind of their own). I quickly retracted my hands, apologized and made my way past her.

Much as I was lucky the first time, I wasn't the second time. Not long after I walked past my saviour, I tripped on the flat ground and fell flat on my face. This time the loud shriek came from me.

I didn't dare look up to see who turned towards my direction, just got up and sped past the few people in front of me, embarrassed and quick as flash (you know the superhero, right?). And as fate would have it, I walked right into an electric pole (in my defence, my eyes were towards the ground and not looking forward). Oh Yes! I guess I could use the bump on my forehead! (note the sarcasm).

I waited (im)patiently for the bus and as soon as it arrived I rushed to get in so I could get a seat. What I didn't know, however, was that my left shoelace was undone and I was stepping on it with my other foot. I think I might be the first person to make a flying entrance into a public bus that day. This time I couldn't avoid the stares I received from the other passengers. I guess that was pitiful enough for someone to give their seat to me.

Twenty minutes later, I reached my destination, got down and walked towards my house. I was walking past the neighborhood kids playing basketball while looking for my keys when a kid called out (more like yelled out) my name. I turned around but didn't get to see who it was because I was immediately met with a very high speed, extremely forceful basketball to my face. (The kid's got a good arm and bad aim. And yes, I blacked out from the blow).

Moral of the story – Kids, Don't bunk class if you don't know Kung Fu!

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