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Milo knew things could never be the way he envisioned them. He knew no matter how much he longed for it, he could never obtained what his heart desired. He was a fool for clinging to this belief.

Milo grew up with his best friend, Kevin Haas, and had admired and loved him since they first met. Every interaction they had made Milo feel happy, but as he grew older, this happiness evolved into affection and guilt.

He loved talking to Kevin, it was practically one of the reasons he looked forward to starting a new day. But each time he talked to Kevin, he felt guilty. Every time Kevin asked about him, Milo quickly deflected it, only answering in brief half truths or changing the subject entirely. He was lying to Kevin and he knew it.

His affections, bordering on obsession, made him feel sick and ate him up inside. Every time his mind drifted and he thought of the two of them together as something more than friends, he quickly drove away the thought. He'd remind himself that Kevin never thought of him that way; that Kevin looked down upon him in sympathy, pitying his negative emotions. It had been that way since they met. Kevin looked at Milo as someone to be nurtured and healed, not loved and viewed as an equal, Milo was sure of it. Despite this, Milo still loved him, and this love made Milo want to rip himself apart.

He knew his feelings were one sided and he hated it. Kevin had other friends. Kevin liked and loved different people. Milo was just another friend to him. He was grateful to be Kevin's friend, but he knew if he confessed, their bond would be severed permanently. Milo feared this greatly, but a part of him just wanted Kevin to know. He wanted Kevin to hate him. He wanted Kevin to see him for what he truly was: a lying coward who acted as a leech off of others. He wished Kevin would yell at him. He didn't want forgiveness, he didn't deserve it. He was foolish and disgusting for even considering having a chance with him. Kevin wouldn't love him, not as Milo did. It would be out of sympathy for the broken man who stood before him.

Milo wished he could erase himself from Kevin's memory; He could start over and completely isolate himself. His presence was a danger to others. Every time he opened his mouth and talked about his problems, he just drug down everyone with him. He didn't want that for Kevin. Kevin deserved better than him. No one wants to help someone who cant even help themselves. He wouldn't love someone who'd consider themself unlovable. A manipulative, lying disappointment of a person; that's who Milo Asher was. Kevin didn't want or deserve to be stuck with someone like him for a lover. Milo knew that.

He knew he was a fool for even trying.

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⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2020 ⏰

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