The throne room!

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Brothers, sisters and friends,

grace peace and mercy be with all of you. On this day; i was in worship and prayer when the LORD lifted me up in a vision and this is what i saw.

i was in a path like a void that could not be explained and at the end of the path was an open door.

and the LORD said, "Son what do you see?"

and i said, " i see an open door."

and he said, " walk into that room; what do you therefore see?"

"i see light in the room nothing else but light", the door led to a room that was engulfed in light; unending light that stretched with no end and it was as if the light spoke to me by itself. The door then shut and now i was in there all alone.

The LORD then said to me, " My son stay here and do not leave, until when i shall tell you" and He continued to say

" Now ask of anything and it shall be given unto you."

And on him saying this i recalled the scripture that says_"approach ye the throne of grace and make your prayers and petition known and they shall be heard."

already in awe of everything i was seeing i could only think of saying,

"i want you LORD, to be with you is all i want."

and i could feel him smile, all this while not seeing who spoke to me. Then i heard Him say,

" I am with you my Son; i have never left you."

and while He spoke this i could see an image like that of a man, who appeared to be Rich in wisdom and greatly well advanced in age come out from the Light that surrounded the room.

this affirmed the scripture that says, "He surrounds Himself in light and clothes Himself in majesty."

and He in the image of man stood beside me and held my hand. His eyes spoke grace and mercy his face shone with Love His lips did not move but when He spoke i could understand that He was Truth.

I knew that He loved me. Something that surprises me was that every time i looked at Him It spoke of a different Truth that was Him. He not only spoke with words but just by looking at Him I understood everything He was saying.

i also could not know who of the trinity i was seeing, all i knew was i was looking at the Almighty, and i was not afraid. That thought alone surrounded me with so much peace.

what stood out most was that i Felt the intimacy of a father to a son. i felt free and Loved.

Holding my Right hand he said, "Come Let us sit."

and we walked to a part of the endless stretch of light where we sat on the light. and the light Held me that i did not fall.

and i immediately understood the scripture that says, "He sits on light as His throne."

I sat on His left side all this while he still held my hand and thought to myself am i not supposed to be sitting on his right hand side?

As if he heard my quiet thoughts He answered me saying,

"I am my right side, Sit with me"and before He could finish speaking He took the form of a great blanket and clothed me with Himself and all i could see was me. Then He said,

"as from now i have transformed you, you shall no longer be called Eric you are truth."

and he continued to say, " stretch your Hand and pluck the light and eat it. "

as i did that he said, " i have given you my mercy as a gift, now arise, walk and speak my truth to the nations i will show you."

so i arose and started walking, and as i moved the Light stretched to the direction i walked then he said,

" look!" and immediately He said that the light parted and i could see the whole world from above and it was as if i was stepping on nations.

affirming scripture that says," He sits on Heaven as His throne and the earth is His footstool."

with every step His light left me and fell on the nations and every nation in darkness was immediately translated into light. This as come to be understood is the light that covers His presence the light that is His word.

doesn't scripture say, " you are the light of the world, a city set on a hill cannot be hidden."

With that my soul was restored to my body and i woke from prayer with thanksgiving in my heart.

Brothers and sisters what is spoken about Him is true. there could be more that i could not find expression in words to communicate the full experience of that vision but with what i saw i have spoken to you as a testament that he indeed lives and is surrounded in great majesty.

for those who seek Him in genuineness find Him.

i hope it blesses you...


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