A trip to a restaurant

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Firstly, I am so sorry for this overwhelmingly late chapter. 

I had so much school work due to this shut-in life we are all currently living in. (And for those who read this in the far future, like after 2020 or something. Ignore EVERYTHING I just wrote, as I don't know if Google would still label the incident with "C O V I D - 1 9 A l e r t" by then.)

I mentioned in the last chapter that this scene is going to be at the end of that chapter, but I got too bored...

Well, instead, I guess that here is that scene that you have missed as another chapter!

Just please ignore the beef that's going on between me and Harutora in this story.


Suzuka pov

Now then, how should I bully Harutora with this time?

I thought as I walked across the corridor.

But then I realised something. I seem to be thinking about him a lot recently, haven't I...

Nope, nope. Definitely not.

Speak of the devil! he's right in front of me!

"Oh, Harutora-senpai! Where have you been?" I shouted at him enthusiastically.

However, to my surprise, he just walked up to me, putting his hand on my head and said, "Sorry, I was looking for you, too!"

Before I was able to react, he pulled me away saying, "C'mon, let's go, Honey"

Wait, what? Did he just turn the tables on me?

(Yes, Miss, what do you expect?)


Harutora pov

Despite me being the creator of this entire plan, it felt really good finally giving her back her own medicine.


That doesn't stop this being an overly embarrassing plan though.

We were currently sitting facing each other in a certain hamburger serving restaurant I found.

I looked at the girl and she was obviously nervous, I wonder why?

"What's wrong?" I asked her.
"I-it's nothing," She replied, obviously attempting to hide the fact that there was something. (Even Harutora can catch that...)
"Hey!" I shouted to the person with a name that begins with "Y" in a non-existent language.
"What's wrong?" Suzuka asked me.
"Don't worry, just some thoughts, anyway, is this your first time eating at a fast-food restaurant?" I asked her.
"You were thinking something really rude right not, weren't you?" She asked me.

Well, she wasn't wrong about that.

"Oh, that was perceptive (which means she saw through me. Yes, I know what perceptive meanings Mr name-that-starts-with-a-H-in-English) of you?" I told her. "I was thinking, 'this kid's still pretty cute.'"
"How annoying! You're just small fry." She replied.

Ignoring her speech, I asked her: "How do you like Onmyo prep?"
"Will you stop looking down on me?" She asked
"It's not like your getting along with other classmates anyway?"

A few minutes of random boring talk later... (Including Harutora opening a burger for Suzuka and their conversation about Hokuto because I can't be bothered to write about that)

"Hey! StOp MaKiNg RaNdOm TiMeSkIpS," I shouted at the author.
"Who are you talking to?" She asked.
"Don't worry it's nothing," I replied, everyone around me seems to have instantly forgotten about my outburst, is this your power? Well, how else am I supposed to write without all my characters yelling at me? It's not like we're your characters anyway, we were made by Kouhei Azano. How do you even know he exists? Know what I'm going to erase your memory at the end of this story. Besides, thank you for distracting Suzuka from Natsume who is hiding behind a pillar.

"Eh?" I said confused.
"What? Seriously you act really weird sometimes..." Suzuka started at me, obviously confused. 
"Anyway, you really do want to meet Natsume right?" I asked her.
"So how about this? I'll let you meet him except you must agree to two conditions," I told her.
"Sure, I guess..." She answered, still confused.
"Ok, the conditions are: You must not tell anyone who Natsume is and you do not enslave us so you can keep the secret," I told her, now this time you really were useful weren't you author? Well, I'm always useful...
"Uh, sure? I guess, but why?"
"Oh, you'll see," I told her, "I know you're hiding there, come out Miss-my-invisibility-spell-totally-works also known as Natsume."

I announced that as if I was the MC of a game show or something.

After hearing that, Natsume tripped over and fell in front of us from the pillar, almost as if this was a planned comedy show. Actually wait, is this a planned comedy show?

That's it, your memory is gone now.


Suzuka pov

Wait, what? That's Natsume? Now that I think about it he looks familiar, doesn't he?

"Oh yeah, that's right! You're the priest from back then!" I exclaimed. "That's why you asked me to keep those promises!"
"Ok, quiet down Suzuka, people will hear you!" Harutora told me. "So, now that you know the truth, would you keep those promises I asked you to keep?"

I considered for a good minute or two. If I don't, they will have to serve me to stop me from spreading the news, but I already promised Harutora... Why am I considering keeping a promise to that guy?

"Oh fine," I told him, Natsume was either overjoyed or confused after hearing that. "But on one condition."

They instantly started sweating. I can actually see the worry in their eyes. Oh well, It's not going to be anything too hard anyway... for them at least.

"What is the condition," Harutora asked.
"That you.........." I tried to reply but instead, my words started getting twisted due to the embarrassment.
"That I what?" Harutora asked.
"That you have to take me here or some other place every Saturday..." I shouted in frustration.
"Wait, that's it?" Harutora asked, "You really OK with that?" 
"What? You want anything worse?" I asked him, still blushing.
"Nope," Harutora answered. "Sure then, I agree."



Natsume just sat on the floor with mixed feelings. Confusion, relief, worried and a bit jealous.

Oh never mind about her, She isn't one of the main characters anyway.


There! Finished!

How did you readers like this overwhelmingly late story?

Now then, shoot me with as many bullets as you want, I can take it. 

I am so sorry for this late release, and hopefully, the next chapter wouldn't take so long... 

That is "hopefully" though.

Anyway, I am so sorry for the heated argument and 4th wall breaks between me and Harutora, it was essential to let the dense guy know that Natsume was hiding behind that pillar. "The argument wasn't essential though" is probably what you'll say.

Of course, it was essential!

See you next time,


Tokyo Ravens fanfic (Suzuka Dairenji x Harutora Tsuchimikado)Where stories live. Discover now