chapter two.

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{ahhaaaaaa lets just go-}

You kept looking down, horrified. Was this your fault..? No, it couldn't be. Kuroo never heard about their conversation. So that's impossible.

Hopefully it was just a coincidence.

You felt your lips start to quiver as you looked back up at Kovu. His face was slender and almost perfect, and his hair was a dark brown. You didnt understand why no girls liked him. He looked back down and frowned.

"Don't cry. This is not your fault, Kuroo had been planning this and wanted to tell her for weeks." He wiped a tear on your cheek. "It'll be alright, just brave it out until the end of class, then we can go out for boba!" Kovu smiled.

You smiled back. "Thanks Kovu, that means a lot, we are bringing Sakura, right?"

Kovu chuckled "Of course she is! We can all hang out together!"

You nodded and faced forward, focusing on class.

~time skip to after class~

The dismissal bell rang and you stood up, looking at Kovu and Sakura, who were already talking to one another. You walked over and waved, smiling.

"Hey [y/n]! Ready to get boba?!" Sakura asked happily. You nodded

"Of course I am! I love boba!!" You hopped up and down in excitement, anticipating when you three were gonna leave.

You all left the classroom together, laughing and talking.

Then you bumped into someone.

"Oh! I-I'm so sorry! I-" you looked up to see who it was.

"Oh, it's quite alright. It happens" the deep voice of none other than Kuroo Tetsuro.

You gulped, as you realized thst he was holding you, keeping you from falling. You stood upright.

"I-I'm sorry!!" You were looking into his eyes. Too flustered to notice that they were yellow.

Kuroo smiled and let you go, apologizing. He seemed distracted, looking... Elsewhere

"Can I... talk to you for a second..?" Kuroo looked at you. You nodded and he took you somewhere else. "I was just wondering, would you like to be friends?" He smiled warmly.

You nodded "I don't see why not, I'm [y/n]." you returned the smile. "Would you like to join me and my friends to get boba?"

Kuroo smiled and nodded "Sure! I don't have practice today so I guess I can! Besides, I want to get to know you better."

He chuckled and held out his hand to lead you back to where your friends were. You waved to them and they came over to you two.

"Hey guys, Kuroo is coming with us, he's my friend now!" You smiled

"Alright! Thats fine! It's like a date but as friends! haha!" Sakura spoke up. you still failed to notice that instead of her hair being grey, it was yellow.

You all headed off to the boba place, completely unaware.. that Kuroo knew

You. Were his soulmate.

And you could both see yellow.

{HhHHHHHhhhHh this us harder than it looks :,0

this took a whole 3 hours to do and i regret nothing. :D bye! i'll update soon!}

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