E I G H T 🍒

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a/n~it's afternoon in this chapter
you, chase and your mum pull up to your new place it was pretty big ngl, you went to the boot (trunk) and grabbed a box and took it to the front door your mum unlocked the door and you headed to your room.
you were back outside when you saw a the figure of a teenage boy walking up behind you
a/n~ when i do {} it means the characters thoughts ok? ok.
{who the hell is behind me? please don't be a kidnapper}
you turn around and the person behind you isssssss...

p:hey y/n
y/n: oh hey payt what are you doing here?
p:i live here in this street
a/n~nah shit sherlock i though you lived on the moon honestly  aha
y/n: wait... so are you my neighbour?
p: yeah i guess so
and with that you jumped into his arms and put your legs around his torso
p:want some help with the boxes?
y/n: yeah sure...that would be great!

you handed him a box and grabbed one for yourself and made your way to your room, when you finished you started unpacking (payton helped obviously)

while you were setting up your vanity payton walked over to your balcony

payton's pov
**back to when you first pulled up to your new house**

i was in my room working on some new music when i hear a car pull in next door
{hmm...funny no one lives next door}

i went down stairs to ask my mum about it

p:hey mum what's with next door?
jo:oh we have new neighbours...one of my childhood friends is moving in she has a daughter and a son i think all three of you will get along

i went outside and walked up to them i saw a girl and she looked familiar but i don't know where from. i get closer and realise it's y/n!

a/n~you should know what happens next

we finished unpacking and she was setting up her vanity, i went to her balcony and noticed that mine touches hers
{huh...i have an idea}

y/n pov
payton comes back from my balcony and says something
p:hey our balconies touch
y/n:hmm... i guess so
p: maybe late at night or something we can chill on one of our balconies and have some "midnight chats"
y/n: yeah i'd actually like that

**<a bit later in the afternoon>**
payton has left and it's just me and chase because my mum went somewhere to apply for a job

i go to chases room to see what he is doing, and he is on facetime with someone i don't know who

i walk over to his bed and make sure not to get in the camera frame, i mouth to chase "who are you talking to?" and he replies with "payton"

{how did he get his number probs when i didn't even know them}

p: HEEEYYYY [your nickname]

they talked for a few more hours until chase hung up

y/n: hey chase, how did you get payton's number?
c: ooohhh yeah um before you met them remember we were already friends
y/n: ooooohhhhh that makes sense aha
a/n~nah shit it does

**<{later that night}>**
i was in my room just sitting down when i heard a knock on the front door

i went down stairs to check and i saw my mum...
i ran up to her and gave her the biggest hun
y/m: awww baby did you miss me that much
y/n: yes i did
i get down and means her talked for a bit
y/m: so i got a job
y/n: yeah that's great mum
y/m: yeah but thing is i'll be leaving home quite a bit it's over seas
y/n:oh ok...uhhh that's f-fine ig *you was while crying*
y/m:aww baby pls don't cry it's ok we can face time and i'll still get to go home
y/n: i know but it won't be the same

we talked for hours until i decide to get some dinner, i got a small takeaway pizza because i wasn't that hungry and we didn't have much food
after i finished i got changed into my underwear and one Chase's hoodies that i stole
{come to think of it i think i own most of his hoodies aha}

i climbed into bed and fell asleep almost straight away

a/n~ sorry for taking so long i'm behind in most of my classes in school so i have to focus more on them than this i'm so so so sorry :( <3

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