(Hehe, i love that song, also Sean of course.)

Me:Oh, HELLO!!... what are you doing here?

Me: Huh i wonder why you reading this Shi-

Patton: *give a deadly glares*

Me: I-i mean trash! Hehe..

Me: Hmmm...... i.... don't know what to say...

Me: Uhhh.... akward?....

Me: Ok, take this cookie and go!

Me: Boi-

175: Hold up there, Author!

Me:What do you want?

175: can i say something to the reader?

Me: sure, go ahead.

175: Since Author forget to say it, just let me say it to you guy's. As yo-

Kiki: -u can see the tittle, yes the Author is bored. So she will shared whats in her mind to you guys when she's bored... i guess...

175: yeah what she said.. thx for interrupting me -_-

Me: Oh yeah... forgot to say that :v thank you for telling them guys.

175:No probs! :3
Kiki: f*** off!

Patton: Swear jar, kiddo.


Roman: we get another virgil in here, do we?

Kiki: Shut up! Ugh... fine pat. *Put the money on the swear jar* there, happy?

Patton: :3

Anti: did anyone see wheres my knive is?

Everyone but anti and 175:

175: Is with Killer!

Anti: Where is he!? Doesnt he has his own knive!?

175: idk :v *cough* kiki dare him *cough*

Kiki: Shush!

Me:... ok... see ya! I'm gonna watch messyourself

Mom: GO TO SLEEP YOUNG LADY!! ITS 12:25 A.M.!!!!

Me: QwQ oh well bye!!!!
*go to sleep*

/Quick note\

Kiki and 175 is me irl oc Side's or Alter Ego, idk :v

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