Call of The Wild

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A/N - Please take a moment to read the Author's Note before diving in. Contained in that message is a map to the adventure and an invitation for you to comment with feedback. Also, I encourage you to vote for your favorite chapters. - Enjoy!


Jay lifted her nose to the air. The scent of the evergreen forest flooded her nostrils and the sounds of small animals scampering away filled her ears. Her senses were on high alert, as she processed how far she had run. Dropping the small pack she had in her mouth by a maple tree, she yawned. The sweet maple scent comforting her, reminding her of the few memories of her childhood. She shook her fur, letting out a slow growl as she scanned the area one last time. 

Feeling confident that the coast was clear, she allowed her body to relax and the soft auburn fur of her wolf began to fade. She had become numb to the pain of the shifting, as she had done it so often that it was natural to her to feel her bones reshape and crack. Another days journey under her belt, she stood naked beside the maple tree. Her dark auburn hair ran below her shoulders, hints of waves and curls present as she reached with her long fingers to pull her hair back. Her silver, gray eyes continued to scan the area as she knelt beside her small pack. Opening the flap, she pulled her simple clothes from the container and began to dress. Her toes digging into the dirt softly as she stood still. The sounds of the nearby town began to fill her ears as she pulled her sneaker over her right foot. Another car could be heard in the distance.

It had been months since she had graced civilization. She began to wonder, as she placed one foot before the other, if she still knew how to communicate with others. Jay's eyes scanned the road that would lead to the town, before stepping from the safety of the forest. Her sneakers padded on the concrete floor as she made her way. It was late in the day and she hoped to make the town by nightfall. 

Just once I want to come to a town for pleasure. Her mind reached out to her only companion. Her world, Scarlet, laid in the depths of her soul. 

Are you saying you aren't going to take pleasure in this? Scarlet commented back, her voice edged with a goading tone.

Jay thought back to the reason for coming to this small town. She was asked to come, by a man that lived near here. He believed a vampire was here and was willing to pay well, in cash. Jay couldn't turn down the amount of money she would make for this kill. Vampires were an easy kill for her anymore. She discovered several years back that she was able to keep up with the extreme reflexes that her prey would present her. She smiled to herself and the thrill of the hunt. It was a primal urge that she felt surge through her as she realized her wolf implied her joy. She smiled once more, passing the sign to the town, as her wolf pranced about in her mind. 

"Eckenro." Jay said quietly aloud, "Population 108." Her chuckle was subtle and she wondered if her wolf understood it. Shaking her head as she moved on, "It's gonna be hard to blend in here." She tightened her grasp on the small brown pack on her shoulder and picked up her pace.

She walked through the town square slowly, taking in the small diners that were open and the families that passed her by. To everyone that passed, she looked like she kept to herself, but she sniffed carefully as they moved by. She knew the smell of her prey, the smell of decay that seemed to flood the area around every vampire. She inhaled deeply through her nose, the smell of the town coming in full wafts. The sweet smells of the bakery, the bitter smell of coffee at the cafe and the diner's fresh rolls coming from the oven all filled her nostrils. There was nothing decaying or dead in the air.

Jay stepped into a small diner at the corner of the square. The fresh rolls were being set on a counter in the back, the smell almost calling to her grumbling stomach. It had been nearly a year since she had something she hadn't caught herself. She stepped up to the counter and sat on a small stool.

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