CHAPTER NINE- the ultrasound

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McKenzie is 5 months pregnant now

Logan and I are on our way to my first ultrasound sound since moving to California. I had one in the beginning of my pregnancy with my old doctor , Dr.Brightman , back in NY . He was the one that told I was actually pregnant . We are meeting with my new Doctor. Dr. Newman I believe.
We are five minutes away,  Logan notices I'm getting fidgety . He grabs my hand and softly kisses the back of it. I smile .
" Hey what you thinking about " he snaps me out of my daze.
" Oh just how lucky but mostly great full that I have you in my life" I say
" yeah nice try but you can't fool me with those baby blues so really what's up ?!"
Sight ** " okay I guess I'm just nervous about this ultrasound. It's been a while and I don't want there to be anything wrong with my baby"

Logan pulls into the parking lot and cuts the engine. "I am too but guess what? It's an excited- nervous. I have feeling it will be a good visit . So let's go and see "  he says squeezing my hand.
"Okay you're right let's go " . Logan comes around and helps me out of his yeti.
He takes my hand in his and we walk in together. We walk in and up to the receptionist and tell them our names.
" My girlfriend and I are new patients we are here to see Dr. Newman " Logan starts
" oh okay I'm going to have you fill out this Paperwork and Dr. Newman should be with you both shortly " she says handing Logan the paper and a pen .
"Great thanks " we say

Logan guides us to a few open chairs near the other mothers/couples and parents- to -be . Logan is sitting on his phone next to me. The first page is all my health information . Next page is the father. I stop and skim It over. In the corner of my eyes, I catch Logan glancing at the page . Logan chuckles and takes the clipboard from me ." Hear let me I got this " he whispers
"Logan are you sure. You aren't even the father?" I say
"Yes I know that  you do live with me and I take care of you don't I? "
"Yes but-"
"This child does not have a father figure does it not? "
" yes that is correct "
Then that's it . I will be it's father and guardian . And That's final. "
"Logan really it's not necessary-"
"Not necessary?!! Of course it is !! Every child needs a father . And now especially this one. And it's me . I am the baby's father / guardian. i don't want to hear anymore "
"Okay then " I say rolling my eyes.
"Cool . I'll be right back " he says, kissing my cheek and taking the paper with him .
I watch him take it back to the front desk .

"So you are new with Dr.Newman?" A voice across from me snaps me back . I turn my attention to a woman, probably in her early 30s. She had to be 7 months .
"Um yeah."
"I thought so cause I haven't seen you here before. Anyway I'm Stacy and this is my husband John " motioning to the man to her left. 
"Thanks Im Mackenzie "
"Let me guess This must be your first pregnancy?! You look so young and small. You must be 5 months "
"Yeah it is my first " I laugh to myself.
"Congratulations! That's exciting . I can tell The father must be so excited! Oh and you'll just love Trish Newman. I went to high school with her .She's the best. She delivered my oldest son . She was amazing And with my second it only made sense to come back" she says
"Wow that's very assuring thank you Stacy. And Logan is very excited to be self-  proclaimed "father " to the baby. He's very proud of the title "
"You are a beautiful pair if I must say. Your perfect together."
I smile as I see Logan making his way back over to me . He is grinning like the Cheshire Cat . Oh boy .
"Well well what are you ladies gossiping about?"
"Logan this is Stacy and her Husband, John. "
"Nice to me you guys " he says
"I was just telling Mackenzie here what a beautiful couple you make" Stacy says
"Well thank you " he says as lean into him."Hi pretty missed me? " He says playing with our hands.
"A little but I was doing fine til you came back" I said .
"Och that hurts kenz. Come on you don't mean that?"
"Oh I do"

A nurse in blue scrubs comes out.
"Mackenzie smith and Logan , the doctor will see you now ." She says
" looks like your turn . Hope to see you again. Congratulations, Good luck you two ! " Stacy says
" thank you. You guys too!" I say

We follow the nurse into exan room five. She takes my blood pressure and analizes me. "okay everthing looks good . Dr.Newnan will be with shortly" she sas Once she has what she needs and exits the room

"logan please come hold ny hand."
"of course my love " he says pulling up a chair.
We talk about seeing the babys ultrasound when Dr. Newman comes walking in with the same nurse as before trailing behind her. She sits down with her computer and starts to pull up my file. She spins around in her chair .

" welcome Im Dr. Trish Newman and I'll be the one delivering your baby . Helping you is how i like to put it . But before we get to that, tell me a little about you . Nurse brittney has informed me that this is your first pregnancy, correct?"
"yes ma'm . I was still with my ex and he thought i was off birth control and next thing im two weeks pregnant. He got mad and it got ugly so I left . Came out here to california. Been with Logan for past few weeks. Hes been amazing with me. I felt terrible that the baby wouldnt grow up without a father and Logan wanted to do it. Even though its not his. Hes stept up so much. More then I ever imagined him to."
I smile in his direction and he returns taking my hand and kissing the back of it. This boy I swear.
"Well let's see your baby. I'm going to put the jelly on your stomach and we'll see what's going on" . Logan squeezes my hand for support. I let the doctor put the cool jelly on and she began to move the wand around.
"Now give it a minute to..."
"Ohh there I think I saw a hand"
Dr. Newman moved the stick some more.
"Logan you see the lil numb on the right that's her right foot "
"that's insane !!"
" isn't just . Now let hear that strong heartbeat"

Doctor Newman adjusts the wand finding the  baby's chest. The loud thumping of my baby's heartbeat fills the room.
" that's the baby's heartbeat? Wowww it's like pounding on door " says Logan, grinning .  I smile to myself. 
I really lucked out with Logan being my baby unofficial father figure. I'm so greatful he's here and look at him now I know he's ready . When the baby comes, there's no one I'd rather choose than Logan . I can't wait to watch him with her. 

End  of chapter:)
W𝚘𝚆 𝙸 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚔 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚒𝚜 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚖𝚘𝚜𝚝 𝚒𝚟𝚎 𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚛 𝚠𝚛𝚒𝚝𝚝𝚎𝚗 𝚒𝚗 𝚘𝚗𝚎 𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 !!! 𝚈𝚊𝚢𝚢𝚢 𝚖𝚎

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Jun 11, 2021 ⏰

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