6. Living our dreams

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The two of us were explosive,




The whole world was trying to force us into these molds of who we were supposed to be, but we'd be damned if we'd let them. Just two poor Pogues from the Cut. One the son of an abusive ex-boat repairmen, and one the daughter of two parents killed in a car wreck being left to fend for herself. The world left with us with nothing but each other. Our sacred group of friends, once the only sense of family we ever had, disbanded after the death of John B. He really was the glue that held us all together. Kiara was the first to go, my guess was being around us brought back too many memories. Pope, he stuck around for a while, but started drifting when JJ and I started hanging out together more often. That left us two.
John B's death, though tragic no doubt, brought JJ and I closer than ever before. What once were small glances from the other side of HMS Pogue was now a full on relationship. Dates on the beach, tours of the beautiful OBX waters in the old HMS Pogue, nights spent out under the stars, it was magical. But like every relationship, we had our flaws.
JJ and I, we lived for the adrenaline, that rush that made us feel alive. This lead to us constantly working our ways in and out of trouble. With each other and with the law. It started with stealing beer and food along with other petty crimes, but tonight we are about to take it up a while other level. This was big, bigger than we could have ever imagined this would turn into.
"That thing's gotta be worth 75k easy." We watch from the bushes as Mr.Cavenaugh walks out of the shed in his backyard. In that shed, that dinky little shed, he's got the whole town convinced it's nothing but storage for some dumb baseball memorabilia, but we've been watching him walk in with a nice shiny Rolex on his wrist and walk out without it for months.
"Yeah, I mean you can practically see the diamonds from here." I agree as we walk back to the van parked two streets over. JJ took claim of it after John B died.
"Who knows? There might be even more in there." He adds as we start of the van and take off down the road towards the Chateau, something else JJ inherited.
"We're gonna be rich baby." I giggle like a schoolgirl as I think about all that money. "We can finally show em all."
"Just you and me baby." With a smile, he leans over and presses him lips softly to mine. "But first we gotta get off the island. We grab the goods, ditch the van and lay low for the night. Then first thing in the morning we hop on the ferry. Make our way to Jacksonville and from there, we pawn it all off as an inheritance from grandpa and boom, we've made it."

I can't even begin to explain how excited I am about finally being free. We had been waiting to do this for a while. Mr.Cavanaugh lives completely alone in his mansion here on the figure eight. He's a lawyer on the mainland and JJ and I do all of his house and yard work for him. JJ does all of the yard work outside and repairs things inside the house while I do all of the cleaning for the whole house. One day JJ noticed Mr.C going in and out of the shed and when he made it very clear that JJ go into the garage for whatever he needs but to never go into the shed, we knew there was something good in there. Then a day later, I found a notebook in Mr.C's office with a bunch of number codes in it, and one just happened to be marked as the code for the safe which we can only guess is in the shed because after a few more days of searching we couldn't fnd one in the house. And before you ask, the old man didn't even think to get cameras out there. That only makes our mission that much easier.


"Bon appetit." JJ smiled as he dropped a sandwich down in front of me. He knows more than anyone that I hate having the same nasty sandwiches for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I can't wait until we get that money and we can eat like kings. But as I dream about our lives away from this hellhole, I can't stop this weird feeling creeping into my chest. Doubt.
"Baby?" JJ brings his head up to look at me as I speak. "Do you think we are doing the right thing? You don't feel bad about leaving Outer Banks? Should we even be doing this, taking advantage of Mr.C? He's been so nice to us and to think-" JJ cuts me off by reaching across the small wooden table and lacing his fingers with mine.
"This is all going to work. Maybe stealing from Mr.C isn't the best but it's all part of something bigger. If you want, after everything calms down, maybe we can come back to OBX, but let's face it, there is nothing here for us anymore. Baby, aren't you tired of living like this? Constantly getting shit on by everyone? Don't you wanna go out and live your dreams? Our dreams?" I nod and he smiles at me before returning to his food. "Then this is what we have to do. This is our shot, our only shot."


After dinner, we waited for it to get dark before heading over to the mansion. We parked the van two streets over just like before and we quietly snuck our way into Mr.C's backyard. Thankfully he doesn't have any motion sensing lights like that crazy Mrs.Crain. Slipping on our gloves, we quietly open the door to the shed with the spare key JJ took and walk inside. We don't have to look very hard because low and behold, there's a tall safe standing at the back of the shed. We close the shed door slowly and make our ways over to the safe. I spin the lock until I get all of the numbers and I quietly click it open. JJ and i open the door and my breath hitches at the insides. Inside the safe is at least six tall stacks of hundred dollar bills and eight different Rolex watches.
"Holy shit." JJ breathes. He quickly pulls out the small bag we brought and starts filling it with everything.Once he empties the safe, we close it, and make our way out of the shed. Before I leave I grab a rake that rests against the door and scrape it across the dirt to get rid of our footprints. We lock it all up and run as quickly as we can to the van , as we get close to the van JJ slows down and swings me into his arms. He placed me in the passenger seat and climbed into the driver side. He lets out a few long breaths from the exertion of running before his face breaks out into the biggest smile I've ever seen before he kisses me again. "Let's ditch this van and let's start living our dreams babygirl."

Don't forget to vote and comment! Requests are still open and they are much appreciated because quite frankly I'm running out of ideas, lol.

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