The house.

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After everyone got unpacked and out of the rooms.
England snarled and whispered something to Franceis.
America I'm hungry called out a very energetic Italy.

Yes agreed ItalySan. Japan quoted quickly.

China went over to the kitchen and yelped America where is the food?!??? A fatass. Like you should have a lot.

America forgot to buy food since his boss wouldn't let him eat so he was normally suposed to sit and work.
America said Haha. The hero decided we are going to the grocery store. BECAUSE the hero
Pffft please your just lazy to even move you worthless loser. England snarled at what France said.

Worthless loser.

... Alfred's mind went blank he sank down.
No keep smiling Alfredo! .
America finally spoke. As it felt like years the hero decided we will take a limbo!

America called the driver to drive.

Everyone got into the car China was whispering to Russia.

Once they got into the grocery store America looked around to see wonderful foods.... yum he hasn't eat in a while. Everyone split up instead of him and Canada. America walked up to Canada and said Ahahaaaa the hero noticed your alone wanna shop? With me?

Canada nodded his head and s aid a quiet yes.

America and Canada walked into the meat section where America saw Italy crying because he cant find the Pasta..... (Wtf

America slowly picked up chicken. America drooled but NOO Dont his boss will be angry..... HMM? America quickly put it back if he ate his boss would be. Angry and shock him.

Americas. Brother Matthew. Noticed this but did not supose think much of this.

America saw Russia holding vodka, China holding Panda snacks? England holding tea and donuts, Francis holding a damm Bagget?
Canada holded Maple. Leaf syrup lol And so on.
When America paid it was very expensive all America bought was bread because that's all he was allowed to. Digest in his stomach and milk.
When they got home they placed there stuff on the counter America stomach began to rumble which he took bread but the cameras shown to boss Saw that Alfred is about to eat.
. His. Own boss was alerted and Alfred put the bread in his mouth let it. Soak as the bread watered. With slavia soft bread swallowed up into his mouth.

Hee. Cant. Take this Hunger.

America started viciously nomming the bread down the other Nations. Where worried.

He devoured the bread taking. The other slice but thenn he felt hes back arch up in pain he fell to. HIS. knees in agony England and Canada witnessed this and rushed to his help. America let out a whimper and SAAID. I'm fine I just got surprised. He lied. Surprise for what. Fatass lol? England said.
America claimed. " THE HERRRO was suprised at the brand of breaf.
America is always dramatic. Canada. Joked. Hahaaa. The hero will be right back America clawed his way to his room letting out a screech that was silent. his boss watched as he Shocked america the personification. Alfred was zapped. And battered for. A few minutes. Then got a call... the president!!
AMerica. Who told you to eat bread I didnt.
You better vomit it up. Fatass. Fatass.
And that's what Alfredo chicken did he didnt know his brother. CANADIA. Canada who?
556. Words. RaaaAts.
Cm 7f

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2020 ⏰

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