Chapter 1: The Betrayal

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Warning: This chapter is under construction. Some details may change over time. Nothing too major, but enough to make an impact on the upcoming chapters.


To be unfaithful in guarding, maintaining, or fulfilling

To betray a trust

Jam: Hey, wassup. This is my very first fanfic so please be merciful.

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or any of the characters in this story.


Naruto parked his car in the driveway of a rather intimidatingly somber mansion. Only the tinted windows softly illuminating from the second story expressed signs of life. He pulled the keys and listened to the purring engine cut into a clean silence. He pushed the door open and stepped out, chest hanging low with burden. For a minute he hesitated from taking anymore steps and decided to lean against the side of the car. Tilting his head, he gazed at the weakly lit windows; then, at the winking stars struggling furiously with the shadows of the clouds. From where he stood, the glow emitted by the shy moon hovering above reflected off his golden strands of his hair brilliantly. Cerulean eyes, contrasting radiantly with the ghostly yellow bloom, shone with explosions of emotions. Fear, anxiety, concern and doubt buzzed within the vivid iris; but, excitement and elation subtly highlighted the upsetting emotions.

"I hope Sasuke can accept both of us," his voice was weak and unsure. He trusted Sasuke, but his confidence still faltered. 

Despite the utter dread enveloping his heart, a spread of warmth and joy filled his stomach. Naruto's face bloomed into a delightfully wide grin and he erupted in a little happy dance; or a messy combination of disorganized limbs and unnecessary jumping. Anyone who might've caught glimpse of the expressive act would've probably thought the person was either choking, mentally insane or both. His flailing eventually halted when his limbs began to feel weighted with exhaustion and his hand decidedly settled on his stomach; smiling tenderly at one specific area.

Naruto took a deep breath and mustered enough courage to continue walking towards the mahogany double doors. He fished for the keys in the pockets of his pants and unlocked the doors. When he pushed through the wooden slabs, he instantly knew something was askew. The lights were off, but he could clearly make out the outlines of clothing littering the floor; some he could identify to be Sasuke's, but others were unfamiliar pink and crimson bundles. He was suspicious of Sasuke's uncharacteristic sloppiness; but, the rosy garments, looking dubiously like women's clothing, worried him more.

He withdrew his eyes from the scattered clothing and redirected them upstairs where he could've sworn he'd heard a noise. With considerable precaution, he snaked up the spiral staircase and lurked quietly towards the master bedroom.

The noises were much more prominent now and Naruto paled when he found them to be moans. Alarm formed a painful lump in his throat and the jittery elation he held minutes ago vanished along with hesitant hopes. His brain screamed to run away, to leave right now at this very moment; but his body debated and refused logic, so he continued shuffling his feet to the bedroom.

Slowly, he twisted the silver knob of the dark oak and peeked inside. The smell of sex immediately filled his nostrils and high-pitched moans accenting deep groans violated his ears. Naruto pursed his lips into a tight line, not trusting them to confine any stray words. Indescribable pain sparked in his chest, the abrupt rush of intense emotions and adrenaline made him feel nauseous.

Sasuke--his love, his heart, his fucking fiancé--was stark naked in their bed and screwing his co-worker...his best friend.

Apparently, the two were so engrossed in swallowing up each others' mouths that they didn't notice Naruto standing in the doorway. So, he straightened up his shoulders as best as he could and made himself present.

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