Chapter Nine- Restricted

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Taishiro climbed into his seat, before buckling up and running a hand through his hair to mess it up slightly. He felt awful for not being able to stick by for your first day of training. So many pictures that can be taken, a precious memory simply flushed down the drain...

He let out a sigh as Miss Haikonama started up the car and glanced back at him. "Taishiro? Something wrong?" She asked, raising an eyebrow. Fatgum glanced at her via the drivers mirror and he attempted to fix his hair. "No. Nothin'." He said quietly. Haikonama sighed and furrowed her eyebrows as she focused on the road ahead. "I hate to lecture you, you know I do. But you cant stay connected with every person you sa-"

"I know." He interrupted, leaning against the armrest of his seat as he looked out the window. "People have their own lives, and even though I may or may not have saved 'em, I cant become part of 'em because it endangers 'em." He spoke with a monotone voice, as if hes heard this time and time again. "But... Theres somethin' different about her. She has a fire inside her... A real fire that could make her greater than she already is..."

"She stands down too easy. Its like she's been told her whole life to keep quiet, and she just obeys." Haikonama grips the wheel slightly. "She lets people take advantage of her too easily. She feels ashamed of herself even though she shouldnt be, and its ridiculous!" She rants, now completely unprofessional.

|Miss Haikonama; Fatgum's supervisor.
|Quirk: True Insight;
|           Haikonama can see the flaws and      |traits of a person before meeting them       |personally, all displayed to her                       |graphically. It helps her to write these           |things down, which is why she carries a       |clipboard around with her constantly. She  |becomes quite judgemental and                   |close-minded, which can lead to her            |becoming emotional with her opinion.

"She's insecure, weak. We dont need people like her to drag down the-"


Haikonama's eyes widen, and she looks into the mirror to see Taishiro's angry expression. "Excuse me?"

"Quiet! You know nothin' about her!" Taishiro says, completely and utterly furious. How dare she say these awful things about you!? She didnt get the chance to meet you, to fully understand the fire you had inside, the passion, the potential! She didnt see your beauty... And man, did that piss him off.

"[Y/N] stepped in faster than I could, more than once! And I cant believe the awful things this... This stupid, awful corp is makin' me do!" He said, once again removing the hidden Bluetooth from his ear and easily smashing it.

"Taishiro, you know how much those cost!"

"I want to save people! I want to make people im close to feel safe!  And its hard to do that when youre spying on someone who trusts you!" He says, tears flooding his eyes. Haikonama pulls over to turn around in her seat, her expression stern.

"You know exactly what this corporation has done for you, but youre too deep in debt to try and crawl out now. I dont care whoever you care for and neither should you. You knew that when you became a hero!" She said, making Taishiros cheeks turn red with anger.

"Then maybe I dont want to be this kind of fuckin' hero!" He said, before opening the car door and storming down the sidewalk. He pulled off his tie and unbuttoned his shirt a bit before throwing his tie aside. Haikonama rushed out of the car and picked it up before following after him.

"Where are you going?!" She asked, panicked.

"Im going to support [Y/N]."he said sternly, still walking forward as she struggled to follow.

"I cant walk that far, let me get the car and-" Taishiro looked her dead in the eye.

"No. Im not stopping for you. Either you follow me or you get back to work, and let me support [Y/N]."

Haikonama stopped dead in her tracks, allowing Taishiro to storm forward.

Our perspective

"And one! And two! And three! And done!"
Kaido Aioshima, my personal trainer, was counting my pull-ups. Reps of 3, 4 times. My legs stuck out slightly, and I let out a gentle squeal each time I lifted. Ancient muscles refused to awaken, and I fell to the ground after the 12th pull-up. We had been excersizing for what feels like hours. I miss Taishiro, but I dont know how to feel after seeing him with that suited woman...

"Hah... Hah..."I pant, earning a pat on the back from Kaido. "Excellent job, [Y/N]! You managed to get all reps done first try! Normally, rookies like you need a break inbetween." He says, before pulling out a couple of water bottles and sitting beside me, handing me one.

"Thank you..." I wheeze out, before drinking a bit. "Its always good to hydrate while excersizing, bit dont drink too much at once. You could get sick!" He reminds me, and I nod before I drink it all.

"Right... Phwew..." I stand and pull off my sweatshirt, revealing my dark tanktop underneath. I tie the sweatshirt around my waist before I hear footsteps behind me.

I turn, waterbottle in my hand as my face lights up.


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