• Chapter One 'New Beginnings'

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I wrenched open my eyes, the slow realization that it was morning. I hated every bit of waking up, there's a part of me that wants to stay in the mismatched mixture of crumpled blankets, staying in until night. But I have to, I had no choice. I turned to my alarm clock, the neon red digits a blurry mess, I brushed my thick heap of hair out of my eyes; 11:27 AM. Damn, I sure sleep in late.


I stumbled into the pantry of my condo, settling on some (cereal of choice.) Scrolling through social media, seeing what all your friends were doing. 'My first day of work! Wish me luck!' Someone younger than you captioned on their Instagram post.

Man, I need a job, this cereal tastes like rocks.

I moved to my door, cereal still in hand. A crumpled newspaper laying at my doorstep. For once, I decided to look for any job options.

Editor? I don't wanna edit mediocre books for the rest of my life.

Intern? I've got a pet peeve when it comes to being bossed around.

Police Officer? Man, I'm running out of options here.

You kept looking through until something caught your eye.


Freddy Fazbears Pizzaria.

Freddy Fazbears? Where have you heard that from? Suddenly, you felt a cluster of nostalgia hit you. Freddy Fazbears! That was always what you chose for your birthday parties when you were a kid! You continued to read

Looking for a security guard to work the nightshift. 12 am to 6 am.

Why the hell would they need a security guard? I doubt any pesky kids would want to explore there at night. At the end was a number to be called.


Eh, I could give it a go. I'd like to see my childhood friends again. I took out my smartphone and dialled the numbers. A supposed man picked it up, he had a gruff, deep voice, it sounded croaky as if he had some sort of nicotine addiction.

"Hello, this is Freddy Fazbears, would you like to organize a party?" You could hear the muffled sound of children laughing and screaming in the background.

"Erm no," I replied, "I was inquiring if the security guard job was available?"

"You're in luck!" he chortled "It's available! Would you like to come in?"

I sure hope this interview goes well

There was a long, slightly awkward silence.

"Helllooo?" The voice retorted

"Oh!" You went back to reality "Yes, today will do fine."

"Great! See you at 12:30!" The voice beamed

"Wait wha-"

Before I could finish, they hung up.

12:30? Really?

I walked to my bathroom, undressing and entering. Taking a fair amount of time to rinse my hair before shampooing and conditioning, easily waking myself up. Managing to find a sweater and jeans, setting on some simple Nike shoes, showing just how basic this outfit was. Even better, it was almost 12:30! I rushed to my car and almost ran a red light trying to get on time.


Getting to the place, it looked so, different. It had a childish atmosphere. I opened the huge doors and got a whiff of bleach and other sterilization supplies, but the main scent was crummy cheap pizza. I looked up at those beloved animatronics, they looked as if they were made of plastic. The only similarities were the animals stayed the same, the chicken, rabbit and bear all with ear-to-ear grins and bright red cheeks. The screams and laughter were everywhere, children twirling around their parents, others were eating or just watching the animatronics sing and dance. I merely avoided the children running around and followed the doors until I reached the 'management' office. I knocked loud enough to hear.

"Hello?" You bellowed, beginning to knock louder

"Erm, who is it?" That familiar voice from my phone call answered.

"I called! I'm (Y/N) (L/N)!"

"Ah, come in, come in!"

I walked in, it was fairly compact, papers sprawled across the room, a desk and a couple filing cabinets behind it. A fairly tall, plump man sat in the seat, he had a bowler hat and cigarette in his mouth, he looked like he was around mid-thirties. You nearly choked at the scent of smoke lingering throughout the air. You sat in a small seat in front of the desk.

"So, (Y/N) I heard you're interested in the nightguard job, hm?" He took a puff of his cigarette.

"Y-Yes, erm-"

"Great! I'll get your uniform ready!" He interrupted happily, spinning around and flicking through his filing cabinets.

"But- What about the interview?"

"No interview needed!" You gagged at his remark

He set out a uniform, skirt, and a cap with 'NIGHT GUARD' embroidered on the top.

"Now-" I kind of zoned out and wasn't paying attention to what he was saying.

Seriously? A skirt?

"Earth to (y/n)? Hellooo?"

"Oh, sorry!"

"Will this size be okay?"

I nodded, confused.

"Mhm. Your coworkers will tell you the rest. See you at 11:30 tonight!"



(( Hello! Sorry, this chapter is a bit boring and short!... It will get better next chapter, trust me! If you'd like, I can make a male/Non-Binary version as this is supposed to be a females' perspective! ))

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