Part One

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It was just supposed to be a short fling. 

Wait no, scratch that- 

A one night stand.

Actually not even that. He had planned to return to the house, fix his robot, then leave in a matter of days.

But the days dragged into weeks, the weeks into months. But you should think again if you thought this was because the progress on his robot was taking longer than anticipated. Nope, it had been finished the week that Tord had returned to the house. So why was he still here you may ask? Well the answer was simple.

The heartless, cold, and merciless leader had fallen head over heels for a certain someone we all already know the name of. 

A few drinks and the next thing you knew, two unlikely friends were laughing and flirting as if they never wanted to rip each other's throats out. 

Love is such a funny and unpredictable thing, isn't it? Tord definitely thought so. 

But we've all heard that cliche before: they seem happy, they argue a lot, Tord eventually decides his army needs him, and leaves. 

Truthfully, with the sexual tension between these two gone, Tom and Tord got along surprisingly well and were almost perfect for each other. 

That's right, these two assholes held hands, kissed, and did all that lovey-dovey stuff you'd never expect them to. 

Normally this would seem out of character for them, but the boys were just so starved for love that they didn't think twice about it. 

But sadly this story wouldn't nearly be as interesting without some angst in it…

Tord had just woken up even though it was nearly lunch, a bowl of cereal in his hand as he prepared some breakfast/lunch for himself, still practically half asleep. That's why he nearly screamed when Tom decided to sneak up behind him, planting a kiss on Tord's cheek. 

"Morning Tom." Tord smiled, turning around to face the very unusually happy looking Brit. "You're extra kissy today." 

"What? I kissed you once!" Tom countered.

"Exactly." Tord snickered, pressing their lips together.

Tom sighed but happily kissed Tord back. "I was thinking we could head to the bar or something today. We haven't done anything together in a while." Tom shrugged, grabbing the box of cereal off the counter as he started snacking on them. 

"Bar sounds good. But we went to the arcade like two days ago…" Tord gave Tom a curious look, crossing his arms as he looked for an explanation. Not that he minded spending the extra time with him.

Tom's face reddened as he looked away, his expression turning into one of worry. "Well I might've had a dream, about you, leaving me… or something." Tom clearly seemed upset over this, but mostly embarrassed that he was affected over something so simple. 

Tord gave Tom a playful nudge. "C'mon, I wouldn't be talking to you now if I was planning on leaving." It was true this was Tord's intention for a long time, only recently having decided to stay for good. 

Tom quickly recovered after this, his smile quickly appearing back on his face. "Bar it is then. We can go tonight. Wear something cute~"

Tord rolled his eyes as he grabbed his bowl of cereal, deciding to head to his room to eat it and potentially watch some anime as he did. Sadly he never could convert Tom to like his shows no matter how hard he tried, so he had no choice but to watch them when he was alone. 

He was about to flop down onto his bed, when his attention was caught by an unfinished project that was left to collect dust on his desk. Tord stared at his memory gun from across the room, barely having time to work on it lately since he's been with Tom almost free every second he had.

Tord eventually gave in to his own temptations, sitting down at his desk and setting the bowl of cereal aside to poke at a few of the exposed wires that were sticking out of the gun.

The only reason the memory gun was in this state was because Tord had been trying to improve it; instead of erasing someone's memory completely, it would only take away the part which Tord wanted to. 

Tord had been tinkering on his invention for about an hour now, before remembering about his now very soggy cereal. He reached over to grab the bowl, accidentally knocking it over and spilling its contents all over everything.

"Dammit…" Tord silently cursed as the wires sparked and twitched, which was to be expected when everything was drenched in milk. What wasn't expected though, was a sudden explosion that sent Tord flying across the room. 

This definitely wasn't the first time something had quite literally blew up in Tord's face, so he quickly recovered, holding his throbbing head in his hands. "Stupid gun-" He muttered, standing up and walking over to the desk, glaring at the gun that had since been reduced to a pile of smoldering metal. 

Tord was a bit shaken up by what had just happened, deciding to go and take a shower since his clothes were soaked in milk and slightly smoldering, not thinking twice about almost dying a few seconds ago. 

In another room, Tom felt a certain tightness in his throat.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2020 ⏰

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