Uzumaki Naruto: The Protector's Songs~~ Author's Note

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First fanfic ever seems like a pretty good accomplishment, one that's long overdue considering how much I read. Comments are welcomed with open arms, and if you've got any constructive criticism, bring it on!! :)

A Note About Mary Sues:

Many people have an their own idea of what a Mary Sue is, and in these times, people are INCREDIBLY Sue-phobic. Sadly, this has made it so that a lot of OCs written have become so average and dull I can't care about him or her. Most people have sue-ish qualities, anyway. There are beautiful people in the world, so why should any beautiful OC automatically be considered a Mary Sue? There are also beautiful people who happen to be intelligent, as well. Contrary to seemingly popular belief, those two qualities can exist in one person. I would rather read a well-developed character that may have sue-ish qualities than a completely dull and boring person I can't give a penny's worth about because they've become so unrealistically average that they no longer stand out at all.

So therefore, a Mary Sue is not defined by certain qualities, but how MANY of the qualities she has, how exaggerated they are, and how unbelievable she is. But most of all, a Sue is defined by how everyone else reacts to her. Make her actions have consequences, and how people react to her realistic.


I always prefer constructive criticism over flaming, and any reviews over none, but if you want to flame, go right ahead. Your flames bring more attention to my story, but more than that it just tells me you're reading my story and giving it some chance. Like music, not everyone has the same taste in writing; sometimes a story just won't be to your tastes.


This book will have a good bit of changes compared to the series, specifically because I am going to incorporate my OCs (Original Characters) into the pasts of the Naruto people rather heavily. This means that they will have, or have had, an influence in their lives on some level by the time Naruto is put on Team 7. Therefore, this story will be pretty much AU(Alternate Universe). While any fanfic is technically AU, mine will be more heavily and obviously so due to the fact that I plan to break the story away from the original story rather early on.


This is a Smart!Naruto fanfic. That being said, he's not going to be a genius, his natural aptitude for planning, strategy, and ingenuity will simply be applied more. One can't be a successful prankster if they're a complete idiot, after all.

     This will also be somewhat religion-centric, as religion, and in the case of atheism and agnosticism their 'lack' of religion, has always fascinated me.


This story WILL have slow updates. I don't have much time to write on a regular basis, and the large amount of Homework that my teachers give me affects my writing time greatly. On top of that, I tend to be a rather slow writer, and I struggle with the unfortunately common problem of procrastination, even with stuff I wish to work on.

Thanks for Checking out my fanfic


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