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 Akari's P.O.V.

     Songs... sometimes it seems like my life is made up of songs, one after the other, each one describing a moment, a time in my life , or someone else's. My brother's actions mimic a song that flows through my head, memories fly behind my eyes; they follow the song with a sharp degree of accuracy. Our adoptive Dad died in the line of duty just a week ago; his teammates brought the body back with them for proper burial, rather than taking care of his body right then.

     As a Shinobi, Dad took the risk of not returning every time he went out on a mission. It's one of those things you never really want to think about, better to treasure the moments you have with them, to enjoy the time you're spending with them, than to dwell on what could happen, than to be upset about what has not yet passed. As upset as I am, I stay strong for my brother. I've lost precious people before, I know the pain, and I know how to deal with it. My brother is beyond devastated right now. At seven years of age, he'd not yet felt the loss of a precious person, especially not one as close as family. Our adoptive Dad was the only parent he'd ever truly known. He was Kaede's hero on top of that, having given us a home off the streets, brought us to the village we live in now, and gave us protection.

     As I watch my brother from the tree, the chorus stands out sharply in my mind, and his actions play out to the last verse of the song, a fellow Shinobi bringing me our father's flag before they incinerate the body. Kaede shoulders were tense, his body moving rigidly to the position of attention. I could see his jaw clench as he fought to keep the tears back, his hand moving sharply into position as he joined the burial group in one last salute to a fallen shinobi. Kaede never really understood what it was Hiko fought for, but he was always proud to be the other little soldier [1]. Children and families make the greatest sacrifices, in some ways more than the active duty military person, for the only choice they really have is to go with the flow of things, to stick by or leave. They don't get the option of protecting the person they care about because that person's out in the field protecting them.

     Saluting was the common symbol for showing honor in this village, unlike the bowing that is done in most of the outside world. It's humbling, to see this village from an outsider's point of view, to see their beliefs displayed so strongly through their actions, to see such openly emotional people, even among the Shinobi of the village. Actually being a part of it is a something else completely, and an experience I will miss.

Kaede P.O.V

     'I gotta be strong, for Sis... for Dad.... Dad would've wanted that' he thought over and over again, like a mantra, letting it fill him as he attempted to keep his tears back. He didn't succeed. 'How can I be strong for Akari if I can't even control my emotions? She may be older than me, but we've always looked out for each other.' It comes with the job of being siblings, through blood and through circumstances.

     'If I was stronger, I wouldn't be crying right now. I'd be able to hide my tears behind a mask, or at least hold them back. Rule 25 of the Shinobi Code states that "A Ninja must never show emotion". It can reveal weakness that would be otherwise unknown to your enemies.  And yet, I can't seem to follow that rule. Dad never showed an emotion that he didn't want you to see... why can't I be more like him? Why'd he have to die on that stupid mission?! Nothing should have happened; it was a routine border patrol, done countless times before. Why did the Ninjas choose Dad's patrol group to attack?!'

     "It's not fair... why'd you have to die Dad? Why did you sacrifice yourself to save them?" he whispered quietly to himself, though he already knew the answer. Sniffling, Kaede wiped his nose on his arm-wrap, uncaring who saw. He felt more than heard Akari come up behind him, and when she wrapped her arms around his chest, pinning his arms in a hug, he leaned back into her.

     "It's Ok to let it out, Kaede. No one will think any less of you for it. Emotions aren't a sign of weakness, but rather, a sign of strength. Whenever something happened to make me cry, Dad always to me something very important, and very special, about the tears we shed, and the pain we feel. Do you want to know what he told me?" when he nodded she continued to whisper in his ear. "He told me 'Tears show the humanity inside of someone. They show the strength it takes to care for something, to allow something into your life. It's easy to push people away, and accept the numbness of isolation. It's hard to let people into your life, and give them the power to hurt you.' You have no need to hide your tears brother, I'll be with you no matter what. Even when I'm gone, I'll always be right here, in your heart, right next to Dad" Her finger pressed gently into Kaede's ribs and though he couldn't see her face, he knew she was smiling. They watched as the burial team finished the ceremony, one of them using a gentle wind jutsu to set the ashes into the pot. From there they sealed it shut and set it carefully into the hole dug for it. A few minutes later the hole was filled and a black headstone erected, sharp letters engraved in it.

 Kakesu Hikō

Loving Father, Teammate, and Leader

 May he rest in peace

 And spend eternity in God's presence

  With that, the gathered crowd broke out into a soft song, singing with him one last time, though only his ashes remain to hear this, his soul already in its resting place.

 ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* End Of Prologue~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

Dedicated to DM'97 (Dinoman1997) for reading it during lunch... twice. An accomplishment in of itself that he actually read it, particularly since he has no knowledge or care for anything Naruto. Thanks!! :)

[1] Reference to Josh Gracin's 'The Other Little Soldier'

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2015 ⏰

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