Just ride | Chapter 1

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(chapter 1)




"you have reached the voicemail box of-"

      Shit, Shit is what i feel like right now as i stand in the rain soaked and shivering trying to call my boyfriend who said he'd be here 10 minutes ago. i try to call him one more time and still no answer i start to panic because he had picked me up this morning for school so i didn't take my car today and for some reason he had left an hour before school ended with no context of where he was going.

The thought that he may be cheating on me had dawned on me a couple weeks ago when he wouldn't let me use his phone for something as simple as looking up what the closest chipotle was and ever since that he's been distant and never available when i need him.

      my hair is starting to frizz and return to it's naturally curly state as i scroll through my contacts wildly thinking of who to call, tears start to roll down my cheeks mixing with the rain i shouldn't be crying over a boy who i know is probably cheating on me but i somehow am. i hear steps behind me before i can register there getting closer i feel a tap on my back, scared i turn around to see the person i dislike the most in this entire world surpassing my father.

     Dylan Baker we've been each others rivals ever since i can remember, the day back in sixth grade when i was the new kid and he called me out in front of the whole class for my very curly pig tails calling me childish while pointing his finger right at me the whole class laughed at me  and called me pigtails for a good month. Ever since I've always thrown a stink eye his way whenever i see him people call us the "old married couple" for the way we bicker and argue with each other on a daily.

   he towers over me with his 6'2 self towering over my 5'4 stature and i automatically turn away and act like he's not here "Desiree" i here him call my name "Desiree i know you seen me" i continue to go through my contacts i can't call mom she's working the night shift which means she's to busy to leave work. i feel large cold hand grab my waist and turn me around "Get off me Dylan!!" i scream as my mulatto cheeks turns the deepest shade of red.

    "Alright alright i'm sorry i just wanted to come over here and see if you were ok i was in my car and saw you crying in the pouring rain" he said with a worried face "Are you ok" i look at him dumbstruck "what" i say in confusion "Why do you care about how i feel all of a sudden" i say over the sound of the pouring rain "we hate each other remember" i say with an annoyed voice i turn away from him facing the almost bare parking lot.

      I see him from the corner of my eye look away clench his jaw and close his eyes almost like he was he disliked what i just said, weird. "look i'm being serious Desiree aside from all this rivalry we have towards each other i'm genuinely concerned it looks like your stranded and i was gonna ask if you need a ride"

At this point he's fully soaked just like me and i find my self staring at his soaked shirt that's clinging graciously to his toned ab- wait what why am i thinking that i brush the thought off and contemplate his offer i look at him cautiously, I could call Jelanie but she'd take a half an hour to get here and i already feel like i'm catching a cold.

"fine, but don't think this means we're friends" i point my perfectly shaped blue acrylic nail at his face

                                             to be continued

Hello everyone hope you like the first chapter of "falling in love with the boy i hate" i'll most likely change the name in the future but other than that this is my first book so please don't come at me if its's not that good lol. This is also unedited so if there are some errors or grammatical errors feel free to comment and fix them. 


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