the incident 😭😭😣

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You wake up and get ready n the shower you come out and see Marc he already showered you were wearing Marc's red hoddie and black leggings
M.ohh Mama's you look cute
L.aww thank you baby
Y'all kiss while your standing in between his legs
L. I can't wait till my mom and dad get back they will be home tonight
You get a phone call
Phone person=pp
Pp.hello is this lalah
Pp.well I'm sorry to tell you that your parents were killed in a plane crash this morning
L.omg sorry for your lost bye
You bust out in tears and squeeze Marc what's wrong parents died in a plane crash
You start crying harder then Marc starts crying wait are parents were on the same plane
Marc gets a phone call skip the call you already know what they said my mom and dad are dead
Y'all go down stairs and everyone is already down there
E.what happened
M.says are parents died in a plane crash this morning
X.wait mom and dad are dead Marc's little brother and your little sister start crying
E.hugs you
M.alk 4 of us have no we're to stay
Mat.i have an idea what if we all buy a house together and live in one house there's this huge house for sell down the street
E.thats a great idea
E. It's gonna be ok
Everyone hugs
L.why first we get kidnapped then are parents die
Everyone stops crying
D. let's take are mind off everything
E. Okay

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