Chapter Twenty Six

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Eleven years ago.


"Ashton has chicken pox." Luke informed as John entered the house.



"Did you gave him anything?"

"We don't have anything in here."

"How about tea?"

"He just wanted to sleep."

"Well I don't know what to do. I mean, its not like there were medicins to stuff like that when I was human." John explained as he dropped his suitcase and walked further into the house.

"So what? We'll just let it pass?" Luke asked.

"Yeah, hopely its not something seriouse."

Luke didn't reply, he just listened to the shifting bed in Ashton's room and to his heavy breathes.
Ashton woke up panting and tried to fall asleep again, to ease the pain, but he couldn't.

Being sick, all sweaty and burning, reminded Ashton of Jen. And thinking about Jen, led him to think about his parents.

He shut his eyes tightly as a memory flashed in his mind. A picture of his parents holding him tightly and a second later, laying dead next to him.

Ashton couldn't remember exactly what happened, it was all blurry, but he knew his parents were no longer alive from the amount of blood that was on the floor.

"Ashton?" John entered the room slowly and watched Ashton laying on the bed.

"Ashton, are you okay?" John asked as he came closer to the bed, but Ashton didn't reply, he just turned his back to John.

"What is it?" John sat on the edge bed.

"I want to go home." Ashton spoke quietly and caught John off the guard.

"This is home Ashton." John tried to ease his way out of it.

"No its not. I want to go back." Ashton mumbled with a sad frown on his face. He knew his parents are dead but he wanted to go back to where their hiding place was, do anything that could get him closer to them.

After all, Ashton was only seven, and it was only natural for him to want to be with his parents.

"Ashton this is where you live now." John spoke gently, trying to explaine to him gently as possible that he can't go back.

"I don't want to live here." Ashton's eyes started to water and he couldn't hold back the tears anymore.


"I want to be with mommy and daddy." Ashton sniffed.

"Do you know where they are?"

"In heaven."

And that left John completely speechless.

"Hey! I don't want to ever hear you say that kinds of shit, got it?" Luke called when he entered the room as well.

Ashton finally turned to face both of them and wiped his eyes.

"I want to live with my friend." Ashton raised his voice as he kicked the blanket from him.

"And who will that be?" Luke came closer with his arms crossed on his chest.

"Danni. He has mommy's necklace." Ashton wiped his eyes again, fighting the tears.

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