Chapter 1: Visions

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This word would always keep repeating in my mind. This is the last word that my mom told me before she disappeared , who knows how. I would always keep on thinking about the day it was in December 2013 not to much
before Christmas. Me and my mom would always hike in the forest as it was as beautiful as the roses in my garden, I remember the day like it was yesterday. My mom told me to make a bouquet for my grandma as she had cancer, I came back with a bunch of tulips and roses in my hand and there..... my mom was not there I cried as I was only six. I do not remember much after I just remember the sirens of the ambulance. Do you'll ever think of a tragedy that ever happened to you well I do so and I cannot help it. As all of your mothers say,
"You cannot bring back the dead"
Well my mother told me that when I saw the "zombie apocalypse" and when I believed in magic. But not even magic can bring back the dead and I am not saying this to disappoint you'll or scare you'll just to warn you'll that magic isn't enough.

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