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I met a swimmer and he said, "I was drowning back then when I first learned to swim. No one taught me to swim, but the water itself. I made use of it to make a boat of hope and strength, and soon learned to swim in the vastness of ocean."

I met a mountain climber and he said, "I could hardly climb the highest mountain when I first learned to climb. I fell and got stumbled hundred of times, but I learned to stand thousand of times. I brought a rope, and made use of it not to hang myself, but made use of it to hold and reach the peak of the mountain."

I met a painter, and he said, "I couldn't paint back then when I first learned to paint. I was painting so bad, and wasted tons of canvas. I made use of it, not to stop from painting, but to see beauty in abstract. So I made a museum for my best abstract paintings."

Perhaps life has been giving us troubles and challenges, but we shouldn't let them bring us down. Let us use adversaries to find strength when you feel weak, find hope when you're hopeless, find light when you are surrounded with darkness, and find life when it seems like you're encountering death. Let us make strength, hope, light, and life out of our circumstances. Just like the swimmer who made a boat out of water, the mountain climber who made use of rope to reach the peak of the highest mountain, and the painter who happened to see beauty in his abstract paintings. Life seems putting us in a challenging game, but we must remember that the game is ours, and the game shouldn't be a game over, it should be a victory. Darling, don't lose hope. You have God, remember? He won't let you lose the game he made for you.

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2020 ⏰

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