Kuroshi Byōki

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General Info.

Name: Kuroshi Byōki

Age: 22(can vary depending on where in a story you want him)

Gender: Male

Species: Norwegian forest cat and wolf hybrid (can be literally anything since he is capable of shapeshifting)

Demon species: Mountain nekomata

Sexual orientation: Homosexual

Fursona Details.

His height is 173cm and his weight is 82kg, he is quite muscular hence his weight to height ratio, he has dark gray, gray, and black fur down from the nape of the neck, along the spine and along the top of the tails. He has red markings that go from circles on all four of his paws in a line into a circle on his back, red eyes and the top hat is only on if he is 18 years or older. (gets explained later)

Powers and background.

Due to his demonic heritage, Kuroshi was given a hat at his mature age(18) that cannot be removed by anyone but the wearer or a monk/priest. This hat is to help him control his powers and without it, he would grow into a big feral beast where his powers would run rampant and quite near impossible to stop, seeing as this happened when his second tail grew at the age of 18 and his demonic powers awoke, his peers had to get the hat on him but was nearly unable to do so seeing how strong he was in that form.

But when he is no longer in his feral form, his powers aren't quite as powerful on the contrary actually, he has powers of necromancy and shapeshifting, but the markings around his body hide his third ability, through these markings he can create crystalline structures in any form he wants shields, blades, armor and even encase or lock people in a crystal cocoon, these crystals are incredibly hard compared to normal crystals. And using that power comes with its risk, he can become dizzy fast as it drains a lot off his stamina to use this power, so he never really uses it, and because of this he trains quite often to keep in a good shape to use this ability if need be.

He has lived among normal furs all his life and seeing as his markings also came with the awakening of his powers, he really didn't have to hide it cause he didn't have anything to hide. His life has been relatively normal, he went to school like everyone else, had crushes like everyone else, he wasn't a straight-A student but kept his grades up and did well in school, he's never had any boyfriends to speak off, mostly one time fun time. (backstory I will allow to be changed to fit other writers stories)


His personality is usually really relaxed, he doesn't really care for much and mostly keeps to himself or close to his friends. He is protective of family, friends, and loved ones you wouldn't want to mess with them if he is close or if he can get his paws on you. He enjoys movies with friends preferably, and he likes to hide his gay side and because of this he never really had anyone to call his own, only one-time encounters. Overall he is kind and caring with a dark side should it ever be necessary to use it and his powers. Absolutely loves ice cream cause who doesn't.

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