Chapter 1

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Yosei's pov

I walked down the street, heading back home from work. The streets were bairn, the only exception being one or two people that passed by. I took in a deep breath, running one hand through my hair. It kept my mind at ease. I stopped when I heard the tapping of shoes behind me. I turned around, hair wiping my face and blocking my view for a second. I pulled my hair out of my face and looked at the street behind me. It was empty. The only movement was an old flickering street light that cast dark shadows across the street. I bit my lip. It was nothing. I had just been imagining the footsteps. I was just getting worked up over nothing. I turned back around and started walking again. The tapping returned. I stopped and a few seconds after I stopped, the tapping stopped too. I started walking slower, eyes flicking around me. There was no one on the street that I could see right now and the tapping was back. I stopped again. The tapping stopped again. I turned around, breath catching in my throat. There was someone standing just a short distance away from me. I couldn't see their face but I could see what they were holding. A large steak knife that glinted in the moonlight. I stepped back to which this person took a step forward, the moon shining down on the top of their face where I could see the roots of grey hair that had been dyed black. I stay standing still in fear and shock for a few minutes as this guy starts running towards me. I spin back around and bolt down the street as fast as I can. Whoever was chasing me was clearly used to doing this kind of thing because they caught up to me and tackled me to the ground. My cheek scrapped against the ground as I tried to get up. They grabbed my ankle, pulling me towards them and digging their knee into my stomach.
"You fucking bitch" he hissed,tightening the grip that he had on his knife. I squirm about trying to get away but failing.
"Leave me alone. Please" I beg, feeling my eyes dampen. He didn't move, raising the knife higher above his head.
"Go to hell" he spits in my face, swing the knife down. I turn slightly, saving myself. Instead of hitting my heart, the knife is thrust through my shoulder. Painful but not a killing blow. He tugged on the knife, pulling it out and causing a lot of blood to start pooling out of the wind. He stumbled back from the force of pulling out the knife and I took this as my chance to make a run for it. I scrambled to my feet, hand reaching up and covering the wound with one hand before I started running again. The pain in my shoulder made me want to stop but I kept running, turning a corner into another street and ducking down behind some outdoor display cabinets. I cover my mouth and nose with my hand, not bothering if I got blood all over my face. I heard the rushed footsteps of the guy as he ran past where I was hidden. I stayed quiet for a few minutes before pulling out my phone. I clicked on the first contact that showed up, lifting the phone up to my ear and waiting through the rings. The phone was picked up.
"Yosei? Why are you calling at nearly 12am?" Amai asks, sounding puzzled.
"I-I need help. I need somewhere to go tonight. Do you think you could come pick me up?" I ask, hands shaking as I felt my breathing hitch.
"Sure thing. I'll be there as soon as I can. Where are you?" she asks. I tell her where I am before the line goes dead. I don't move from where I'm hiding in case that guy comes back around to search for me. After a while of waiting, I hear a car stopping just outside of a store a few feet away. I wait where I am to see who steps out of the car. The door swings open and Amai steps out, looking around. I stumble onto my feet again, my legs cramped from being curled up like I had been. Amai spots me.
"Yosei. Your bleeding" she points out, running over. The blood was easy to see now. I was only wearing my white shirt since it wasn't that cold so the blood was staining the light coloured fabric quickly.
"I'll be fine. It could have been worse" I mumble. Amai opens the door to the passenger side and I get in, fastening my seat belt. My vision was getting a little hazy now. The blood loss was getting to me. Amai got into the driver's seat and started the car up. My eyes felt heavy from a mix of tiredness and blood loss. Before we even reached Amai's house, I saw everything go black

The detective and the doctor (L Lawliet x oc) rewriteWhere stories live. Discover now