Chapter 2

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It's my birthday so here's a drawing I made and an update.

L's pov

Wateri parked the car outside the house that had the person who had been attacked in it. It was just myself and Soichiro who had come to talk to her. I got out of the car, shoving my hands in my pockets. Soichiro took the lead, walking up to the front door and knocking. After a few seconds, the door is opened. A women with brown hair which had been tied up into a bun answered the door.
"Oh. You must be the police that we called. Come in. Yosei's in the living room" she explains, stepping aside to let us in. I step into the house, heading straight towards the living room. Yosei was sat on the couch, gaze focused on the slightly open window while ginger strands fell into her face. A bandage which had dots of blood on it was wrapped around her shoulder while she wore a sleeveless light blue tank top. I sat down in the chair nearest her and she turned her gaze towards me. The brown haired woman approached, sitting down next to Yosei.
"So would you be able to describe the man who attacked you?" Soichiro asks, now holding a notebook and pen.
"I didn't get a chance to look at his face. It was too dark. But I do know that his hair is grey at the roots and dyed black. That's as much as I can say" she explains, fiddling with the bottom of her top.
"What was the weapon?"
"A steak knife. He was aiming to kill me with a single blow. I only got away by twisting so that he hit my shoulder instead" she explains.
"The street you were on. We were told where it was. Has this ever happened before?" She shakes her head.
"I've been walking home from work for as long as I've been working there. I've never had a problem with it. The only thing I could possibly think of is that I no longer have anyone living with me after my dad passed away not too long ago" she explains.
"How did he die?" I ask. She turns to me with a confused look.
"How did your father die?" I repeat.
"He suffered a heart attack one night. I had been caught up in some stuff and didn't get a chance to do anything about it" she mumbles, looking down at her feet. I look at Soichiro who looks down at his notebook with a saddened look. It was obvious what he was thinking about. It had been a Kira killing. Soichiro quickly turns back to Yosei.
"Well, we'll keep a close eye out for anyone of that description. For now, it would be best not to stay alone" he explains.
"Would you mind taking us to your place. There might be some clues there that we could use" he adds. Yosei nods, getting to her feet. She throws on a thin jacket before the four of us leave the house. Its not too far so we could just walk" she explains. We walk a few streets down before finally arriving at a well kept two story house. Yosei walks up to the door, putting her key in the lock only for it not to move when she tried to unlock the door. She pushes the door and it slowly swings open. She looks to Amai.
"I remember locking my door. I don't understand what's wrong" she explains. I lean forward, looking at the lock which is covered in small scratch mark, the keyhole scratched and damaged.
"The lock has been forced open" I state. Yosei walks into the house before quickly rushing into one of the rooms. The three of us follow.
"Yosei? What's wrong?" Amai asks.
"Everything of value has been stolen" she states, one drawer open as she rummages through it. I spot a photo that had been knocked onto the floor, the glass and frame smashed. I pick it up, some shards of glass falling to the floor. I place it on the counter it had come from and leave it there. Soichiro and I start looking around for any clues that could have been left behind.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2020 ⏰

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