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Hot, scorching days met them as they travelled to no end. Three days of hiding, travelling and resting had Hazel ready to give in. Her feet were killing her with the blisters that grew on them. Sweat poured off her face like torrents of rain.

From Canada to Virginia was a two and a half day trip by cart, but because of the hide by day and travel by night sequence, the trip lasted four days.

Several times they had to evade hunters on the lookout for them. One shot Marie in the leg, another got Bobo's arm at a different time. Micah ended up driving the cart while Hazel tended to their wounds. To keep out of danger of being heard at night, they had to walk sometimes miles if there is a suspected hunter around. That slowed the trip more with Marie's injured leg.

"Freedom is hard work", Bobo told them. "You have to fight for it. Some men died for it."

Hazel thought about Piper, Tristan, Zia and the dozens of other slaves Mars and Pluto caused to die. This trip will not be in vain, she decided.


Frank sat in Apollo's living room with Jupiter, Percy, Jason, Will, Apollo and two police officers.

"And the reason all of this happened is because your father poisoned the masters?", one asked.

"Yes", Frank responded, "he killed Uncle Pluto, Aunt Proserpina and their son, Nicholas. Neptune was poisoned as well. Perseus has ingested the poison at one point."

The second officer scribbled all of it down. His friend cleared his throat and spoke again. "Well thank you sir for the information. We'll let you know what your father conditon is soon alright?"

"Yes sir, thank you."

Apollo got up. "Let me show you out."

As he walked out of the room, he patted Frank's shoulder. "It's alright son." He gave him a smile and left.

Jason gave a heavy sigh. "What now?"

"Well, Frank is going back to Canada soon. Bianca will go with him. We'll be heading home next week and taking Percy", Jupiter sighed. He leaned back to rest his head on the back of the couch. "It's been a long day."

Will got up suddenly and walked out the room. Everyone watched him head upstairs.

"I'll go talk to him", Frank sighed and ran after him.

He caught up with the blond and touched his shoulder lightly. "Hey William?"

Said boy turned to face him. Tears were running down is face and he didn't attempt to wipe them away. "Yeah?"

"Nico told me to tell you...he said to tell you that he wants to run away to Canada with you. He wants." Frank fiddled with his fingers. "He said that Canada sounds like a beautiful place to be."

Will's chest heaved and he started sniffling. Frank pulled him into a hug. "It's okay William."

He started sobbing, bawling on Frank's shoulder. "I-I should have-"

"Whatever you're thinking it wasn't going to make a difference", Frank sighed. "Nothing was going to change."

Will continued to cry, thinking about all the thing he should have done differently.


"Hazel wake up", Micah's voice said, shaking her. The girl groaned and looked at him. "Guess what?"

"You're a really annoying idiot?"

"No, we're in Canada, and I am offended."

Stunned and confused, Hazel sat up and looked at the terrain.

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