Harvey Imagine

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*In this story, the fame goes to Harvey's head and you need to bring him back down to earth*

I was chilling in the living room at the Mills house waiting for my boyfriend to come downstairs. I had already been waiting there for 10 minutes while he was on a call with one of his friends.

He came downstairs, still on the call, and held up a finger to me signaling that he needs a minute. 

I rolled my eyes as he turned his back to me. I shouldn't be this annoyed, but it's our 6 month today and we were supposed to be going on a date. 

"Hang on give me a minute. I need to talk to someone." I heard him say to the caller.

He walked over to me and said, "Hey, I'm going to have to cancel our date today. A friend wants to meet up with me and have coffee."

I started to get annoyed and said, "Why can't you meet with them another time?"

"Hang on I'll call you back later," he said hanging up the phone. "I can't change the meet because she wants to start writing a song together."

"Fine," I said, annoyingly. "I'll just go hang out with Max instead."

After that, I stood up and walked passed him heading up the stairs to his twin's room. 

I knocked on the door as I started to tear up. He opened it and immediately pulled me into a hug. He always hugged me as soon as he saw that I was sad and then would ask me what's wrong. 

We pulled away from the hug and he wiped my tears away. He lead me into his room and we sat on his bed. 

"What's wrong?" He said, knowing I was ready to talk.

"Today is Harvey and I's 6 month and we were supposed to be going on a date. Well, he canceled it to go write songs with someone for work." I said, sadly.

He rolled his eyes and said, "I guess the fame has been getting to him lately. He's been doing nothing, but call people for work. Honestly, I could care less. I love spending time with my family and friends."

I looked down, disappointed about how my day was going. 

"Hey, why don't we hang out to get your mind off of things? We could make some Tik Toks or watch a show." Max said, trying to come up with ideas.

"Sure!" I said.

We decided to watch a movie on Netflix. 

After a little while, there was a knock on the bedroom door. Max got up and opened it. I wasn't paying much attention because I wanted to watch the movie. 

Max walked back in and said, "It's someone who wants to talk to you."

I gave a confused look and went to the door. 

Harvey was standing in the doorway with his hand on his neck. Something was up.

"Can I talk to you alone?" He said looking down.

I gave Max a look and stepped out of the room.

"What do you want?" I said while crossing my arms.

He let out a sigh and said, "Listen I know what I did wasn't right, but I just want to have a good career in life and Max really doesn't seem to care."

"Max doesn't seem to care because he actually wants to spend time with the ones that he loves," I said. 

Harvey looked shocked and then sad when I had said that. "Oh... you think I don't love you...?" 

"Harvey, today is our 6 month and you canceled our date to meet up with someone else. I know you love me, but it hurts." I said calming down a little. 

"I wasn't going to, but then you left to go see Max. That hurt you know," he said looking into my eyes. All I could see was sadness and I knew he really felt bad.

"Listen, Harv why don't we go downstairs and watch something. It's too late to go out now, but we can still spend some time together." I said trying to change the mood.

His face lit up with excitement and he hugged me as tight as he could. "I'm so sorry for everything that's happened today. I guess I have been focusing on work too much and not so much on you."

"It's ok. Now let's go watch a movie and cuddle," I said grabbing his hand.

"Sounds like a great idea to me babes."

Max and Harvey Imagines/PreferencesWhere stories live. Discover now