prom date

446 11 2

Slim:hey babe

India:hey babe (kiss)

Slim:I was wondering if u like to go to prom with me.

India:of course I will u my boyfriend

Slim:(smiles and kiss)

(At the mall my sister celiza looking for a prom dress)

India:celiza should I get this

Celiza:(looking at dress that's red with verse designs with a verse necklace.)



India:I should get this

Celiza:oh hell naw get this one (pointing at the one she looking at)

India:oh this dress is cute

(Buys it and shoes with it)

Slim:she's a suit (and buys it) inda will like this.

rae sremmurd vs india WestbrookHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin