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"Oh great! You're awake." I'm practically yelling in his ear. Secretly I'm saying, "I hope you have the largest headache known to man."

"Yeah, that's kinda the body's reaction to getting doused in ice water." He mumbled, struggling against the ropes holding his hands and feet together. 

I stayed up all last night trying to figure out why this guy looks so familiar. I've concluded that he's about my age, maybe a little older. Also that his voice is not recognizable. 

"Look, I'm aware that I'm extremely attractive, but your staring is starting to creep me out"

I didn't realize I had been staring. "I was trying to figure out what was the matter with your face, but I think you were just born looking like the hunchback of Notre Dame. I get it though, you have to nurse your ego back to health after the blow of being knocked out by a girl, so I'll try to keep my opinions to myself. Trust me, I'd love to insult you, but I'm afraid I can't do as well as nature did." 

The look he throws at me makes me think that he is not used to being talked to like I just did, and maybe he wants to punch me in the face. Trying to hide my smirk, "So are you going to tell me why you broke into my house?"

"Counting on being in the right house...you."


"I broke into your house to see you."

My mind is reeling, but I try to play it cool, "I'm going to need more information."

"You seriously don't know who I am? I don't know if should be offended or flattered. Well, I guess we should start there. You sure you don't know who I am?"

"You'd think the confused looks and blank stare would have answered that for you." God! It's right there. Who is he? Think, Maggie!

"Hint one: we shared a strong hatred for my father."

 "I hate a lot of people, that doesn't narrow it down." 

Rolling his eyes, he pretends he didn't hear me, "Hint two: The moment we met, it started to downpour."

Wait a minute. This can't be what I think i is... can it?

"And your final hint: It's raining men."

My eyes went wide, my jaw dropped to the floor. "Holy Hell on a stick!"And as the realization became apparent on my face, his mouth twisted into a goofy grin, and I could have sworn his eyes lit up slightly. "Hey, Mags. Been a while."

"Wait, how is this possible? You left and never came back. You left without a word."

"You know as well as I do that that isn't true," his tone morphed into defense. 

"No. I don't believe you!" tears were springing in my eyes. Why are you crying maggie! Pull yourself together! I turned away from him, refusing to let him see me like this, whoever he is. 


"Who do you think --"


"You have no right--"



"Look at my eyes." he was so calm, sitting on my couch, waiting for me to turn around. "I'll prove it, just turn around and look at my eyes."

I comply with his request, wiping the rebel tears away and facing him, staring into his brilliantly-blue, so-familiar eyes. But within the time I blinked, they changed. No longer blue, the iris was blood red and his pupils grew to an abnormal size. I found it impossible to look away. It was him. He came back and is so patiently waiting for me to recognize him. 


"The one and only. Can you untie me now?" 

At this point, holding back my tears was about as possible as sprouting wings and flying to Earth's clone, Eh.

 "This can't be happening. It can't!" I'm skating on the edge of a mental break down.

 "Maggie, I --"

 "Do it again. And do the other thing too. I need to know." I cut him off. 

"As you wish."

"And stop quoting Princess Bride." Amusement was written all over his smug face. His eyes turned scarlet and stared at me, then closed breaking my transfixion. He then started to vaporize away until there was nothing on the couch but the ropes that kept him from moving.

 "Hey, Mags." He whispered in my ear, scaring the bejesus out of me. "The movement is new since you've seen it last."

"Oh my God!" I tossed the kitchen knife across the room (I sunk about four inches into the window frame) and threw my arms around him, finally breaking down and sobbing into his white tee shirt.

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