Chapter 2: Meeting Voltron

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My pov.

I sigh.

"Why do we have to go to this again?" I ask.

"Because Kolivan said so!" Martanne says cheerfully as always.

I sigh. "Fine let's go" I say walking to the meeting room.

We arrive but I can't see who was here everyone is taller than me and I am in the back. I tug on Maryanne's sleeve.

"Hmm?" She questions then see's me pointing up not wanting to disturb anyone. "Oh.." she says "one sec" she lifts me up so I can see.

I widen my eyes a flashback flows through me as I look at a man in black armor and a man in red armor.

"Urg.." I groan clutching my head.

"Another flashback?" Whispers Maryanne. I nod. "Okay one second let's get you out" she says as she puts me down an drags me out.

Keith's pov.

I hear a noise I look over to the opening door and I see a giant galra girl walk out through the door.

'Hm.. what's going on?' I think as someone tackles me.

Maryanne's pov.

"What do you see?" I ask (Y/n) as I help her sit on the ground.

"Um... it's day time there's a little boy. He's pulling me some where. We are on a rocky cliff. He's wearing a red shirt and has black hair." She stops and sighs "that's it"

"Do you know what race he was?" I ask.

"No but..." she says hesitating.

"What?" I ask.

"Those guys... they look like me when I'm not in galra form." She says looking at the floor.

"Hm... what does that mean?" I ask myself as I look off into the distance.

"I don't know. What I do know is we should get back before we get in trouble." She says standing up and walking back to the meeting room.

My pov.

Maryanne and I walk back in. Kolivan is telling the people something.

"I will send one of my soldiers with you I would like it if there was peace between us and i think she could really help you. She our best soldier" Kolivan says "(Y/n) please come out and introduce yourself."

I pull Maryanne's sleeve pointing forward.

"Got it" she says grabbing my wrist pulling me through the crowd.

Shiro's pov.

Kolivan calls for his best soldier and then a huge galra woman walks through the crowd.

When she gets to the front she steps out of the way then a short galra girl walks and stands a next to Kolivan. She removes her mask her h/c hair in a ponytail.

"Hello my name is (Y/n) I hope I can help you on your conquest to stop Zarkon." She says politely with a cold tinge in it. Her e/c eyes slightly glaring at us.

"You?!" Questions Keith snickering a bit.

"Yes me and stop laughing or I'll kick your ass!" She snaps coldly glaring at him.

"Can you even reach that high?" Keith asks in a snarky voice.

"Your going to find out!" She snaps in his face getting ready fight.

"Ah!" Cries out the tall galra woman lunging out and grabbing her. "(Y/n)! Fighting with them when we first meet makes us seem untrustworthy!" She cries out at the girl.

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2020 ⏰

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